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Despite being a fairly new fan, Anna was buzzing with excitement as she found her seat for Stray Kids' concert. It was in a small VIP section, and she wondered who else would be sitting there. Yeonjun had called in the favour Changbin had owed her so that she could get a ticket and she felt very lucky. After meeting her at her fan meeting, Anna had kept in touch with Chan's soulmate, Rose, who upon hearing that Anna was attending the concert had sent her a lightstick.

Anna was fiddling with the Nachimbong as she waited for the show to start. She was a little nervous to be here by herself, although a driver had dropped her off at a special VIP entrance. The boys had insisted she wear a hat and mask, but she was already starting to sweat, and the hat at least would have to come off sooner rather than later.

When an older woman sat down beside her, Anna briefly wondered who she was, but knew that age didn't matter when it came to fans. However, she was surprised when the woman turned to talk to her.

"Hello. Are you a friend of one of the boys?"

"Hello, um, a friend of a friend and a fan."

"I'm Chan's mother. It's nice to meet you."

"Oh! I'm Anna. It's nice to meet you too! Your son is very talented."

"Thank you. I'm very proud of him. I hope you don't mind me asking, but where are you from?"


"England? Do you live in Korea, or are you just visiting?"

"I live here, um, for almost a year now, I think."

"What made you decide to move?"

"I met my soulmates."

"That's wonderful! And they're Korean? So, you moved across the world for them? How romantic."

"Romantic is a nice way to put it. Impulsive may be more accurate. But it helped that I already knew them, sort of, anyway."

"You knew them? What do you mean?"

"They're Idols... BTS?"

"Oh my! I'm sorry, I should've known. I tend to avoid news about Idols because I know it can be... misleading."

"That's okay. Actually, it's quite nice to know that there are people who don't know who I am."

They both chuckled.

"It must have been a big change for you. Do you know any other soulmates of Idols?"

"Only one, Rose..."

Anna trailed off. Although she knew Rose and Chan had met and had a friendly relationship, she didn't know if the Idol had told his mother about his soulmate.

"Rose? As in my Channie's Rose?"

"Yes. Um, have you met her?"

"Not yet, but my son sounds completely besotted when he talks about her."

The lights dimming stopped their conversation and Anna leaned forward in anticipation.

The concert was amazing. Stray Kids performed all her favourite songs and Anna almost died when they did the OT8 version of Red Lights.

"Wow, that was incredible! It was nice to meet you, Mrs Bang. Please tell Chan Fighting, for me."

"Aren't you coming backstage?"

"Oh, no. I don't think that's arranged for me. Family only."

"Nonsense. Come with me."

Anna did dare say no and so she found herself following the mother of the leader of Stray Kids all the way to their dressing room. The boys greeted Mrs Bang with enthusiastic familiarity while Anna stood timidly in the doorway.

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