Faith in Fate

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The American section of their tour had ended and now they were in London to begin the European stretch. This meant they were over halfway through their tour and they hadn't had any luck finding their soulmate so far. Because of this, emotions were high within the group.

The members were at the London venue having a stage rehearsal the morning of the concert. The tension was causing the usually in sync group to be all over the place. Hoseok was forgetting the choreography, Jungkook couldn't hit his high notes and Namjoon's rap had no rhythm. After they had gone over just one section of one song at least ten times, it was Jimin who finally decided that enough was enough.

"Stop! Enough!"

"What do you mean enough, we've only got an hour to sort this out."

Jimin ignored Hoseok. He walked to the front of the group and turned to face everyone.

"Sorting this out is exactly what I'm going to do. We all know what our real problem is, and practice isn't going to fix it. So, let's talk about it."

Namjoon and Hoseok shared a glance as the group leader and the dance leader. Namjoon sighed and ran a hand through his hair before nodding his head.

"Jimin is right, but let's take this somewhere more private."

The members followed their leader backstage as they made their way to their dressing room. Once they had privacy, they all sat around in a circle. There were a few minutes of silence while they all waited for someone else to start the conversation. The boys all seemed anxious: Jimin and Taehyung had their hands clasped tightly together, Hoseok was rubbing the back of his neck, Yoongi was fiddling with his rings and Jungkook's leg was bouncing up and down. It was Namjoon who finally broke the tense silence, much to the shock of the rest of the members.

"What if we don't find them? What if we went about this the wrong way? What if we asked wrong questions? Why if my strategy..."

Namjoon tirade was cut off by Yoongi taking Namjoon's head in his hands and smashing their lips together. When Yoongi pulled away Namjoon was staring at him with wide eyes.

"What happened to having faith in fate?"


Namjoon was cut off again by Yoongi's lips on his.

"But nothing."

"He's right, Hyung. I wouldn't worry."

Namjoon turned away from Yoongi and towards Taehyung.

"Why not, Tae?"

"I have a feeling."


Hoseok asked, looking around at his fellow members to see if they understood, or were just as confused as he was.



Jimin gave Taehyung a nudge.

"I think they need a little more than that, Tae."

"I have a feeling..."

They all leaned towards Taehyung in anticipation.

"...that we shouldn't worry."

"That's it?"

All the members looked at Taehyung incredulously while he just grinned.


A couple of hours later, BTS were on stage and luckily their focus seemed to be back to normal. Perhaps it was their faith in Tae's 'feeling' or maybe they had all developed their own feelings.

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