Wang Yibo

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"So you have everything you need?"

After a lot of hugs and kisses, her soulmates had taken her out to dinner for her birthday.

They mentioned that they had planned to finish their mini-concert with We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal, but when she told Jungkook that Your eyes tell was her favourite song, they had changed the setlist. We are not seven with you, they sang to her.

Overall, it had been difficult for them to choose what songs to perform for her. While they knew Fake Love was one of her favourites, they didn't feel like it was a song suitable for serenading her. The others she had mentioned to Jungkook were also put forward, but in the end, they didn't all fit with the theme they had decided on. Apparently, Hoseok had been disappointed when Baepsae was taken out of the running, but not as sad as Anna when they told her.

While they had waited for dessert, they gave her their presents. She hadn't been expecting anything, as the private concert had been more than enough, but when she opened Namjoon's gift she almost started crying again. He had written her a poem.

She was crying for a completely different reason when Taehyung gave her his gift. To say she was shocked was an understatement. The last thing she imagined her soulmates giving her, particularly one of her fellow 95ers, was a ticket to Wang Yibo's concert. Taehyung was very smug, even more so after Anna thanked him for his present with an enthusiastic kiss.

That night she spent with Namjoon and Hoseok, as apparently the news of her allowing her soulmates into her bed had been shared. Namjoon whispered the poem he had written for her in her ear, his deep voice penetrating the depths of her soul. Then, Hoseok personally showed her the moves she missed from his Baepsae performance.

It was the best birthday ever.

"Are you sure you going to be okay?"

Anna barely registered Jin's and Jimin's questions. She was practically bouncing with excitement and had been ever since she woke up. She was going to see Wang Yibo perform live today.

When Jimin finally let her go, she left with Namjoon and Taehyung. They had explained that while they had only been able to get a ticket for her, they had arranged for her to go with a friend of theirs who had a ticket so she wouldn't be alone. However, they hadn't told her who this friend was.

So, when they arrived at the house where this friend was staying, Anna was very surprised when D.O. from EXO opened the door.

"Hello! Come in. Lay's in the living room."

In her shock, she followed everyone into the house as she tried to process what was happening. As she had been too surprised to hear D.O's words at the door when Anna saw Lay in the living room she understood. She knew Lay was friends with Wang Yibo, so she guessed he was the one who was taking her to the concert.

The boys greeted each other and then Lay turned to her.

"Hello, Anna, excited for the concert?"

Feeling shy around the Idol, she just nodded in response.

"We're just waiting for Jackson to turn up and then we can go."

Namjoon nodded.

"Yeah, he told me he was going with you. I appreciate you doing this."

"No problem. Between me and Anna, I think we can keep Jackson in line."

When she giggled at Lay's joke, Namjoon and Taehyung shared a glance. It had been a while since they saw Anna act shy like this.

"Yo, Jackson's in the house!"

After Jackson arrived it was time for Anna's soulmates to leave. Taehyung wrapped her in his arms, holding her tightly against his chest. She struggled in his hold, but in the end, gave up and tucked her face against his neck in embarrassment.

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