Sweet Gentlemen & Infectious Clumsiness

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Anna woke up before her alarm the next morning, which was lucky because she didn't want to wake up her soulmates. She had her first Korean lesson after a week off this morning and she was more determined than ever to master the language.

After turning off her alarm, she lay in bed for a few more minutes. Glancing over at Yoongi who was sleeping beside her she thought back to last night. Never being one to stay up late, although she tried, Anna had ended up going to bed first.

Alone in the bedroom, she studied the sleepwear she had found in the suitcase earlier. It wasn't the most scandalous piece of sleepwear they could have picked. However, due to her tendency to overthink things, all Anna could imagine was the skimpy loose material moving while she slept and revealing much more than she was ready for to the soulmate sharing her bed.

In the end, she decided she should at least try them on. The pyjamas were very pretty, despite being shorter and lacier than anything she had ever bought for herself. Anna kept them on while she did her evening skincare routine, thinking that the boys would be staying up for a while, so she would have time to change into something else before going to bed.

Yoongi was frowning as he made his way up the stairs to bed. He thought his younger soulmate would understand that not everyone was comfortable wearing revealing clothes. As the rapper approached the door of the bedroom he would be sharing with his new soulmate, he couldn't deny that he was curious to see what Anna would be wearing.

He knocked before opening the door so as not to startle her. However, when Yoongi entered the room she wasn't there. He was about to call out her name when the bathroom door opened, and she stepped out. Despite having been pre-warned he froze, stunned, and ended up gawking at her from the doorway.

At first, when Anna saw Yoongi in their room, she had forgotten about the worries she had about her clothing. However, when she noticed him staring, she was instantly reminded and lifted her arms up, holding them in front of her chest self-consciously.

Seeing that she was uncomfortable, Yoongi looked away. His heart was pounding in his chest. That was the most he had seen of his soulmate and it made him wonder if he had enough self-control to be able to respectfully share a bed with her.


There was an awkward moment when neither of them knew what to do. As much as he liked what Jimin had picked out for her, Anna's comfort came first.

"You want my t-shirt?"


While Anna hesitated, Yoongi took one of his t-shirts out of his suitcase and handed it to her.

"It okay."

"Thank you."

"But Anna beautiful. Okay?"

Anna was left staring into space as Yoongi moved past her and went into the bathroom. No wonder his stage name was Suga, this soulmate of hers was just too sweet. So, the next morning she couldn't help but smile at the outwardly tough, but inwardly gentle man sleeping beside her.

As she got ready for her virtual Korean lesson, Anna was relying on her soulmates making the most of their time off. If watching In The Soop was any indication, most of the boys wouldn't be up for hours yet. She was very self-conscious about people watching her do things she wasn't confident at.

The lesson went really well. Since it had been a little while since their last lesson, they began by reviewing everything Anna had learnt so far. When they had decided the plan for her lessons, Anna had wanted to focus on being able to speak as much as possible, as quickly as possible. Therefore, Tom taught her short useful phrases, rather than overwhelming her with grammar in the beginning.

By the end of the lesson, Anna felt like she'd had a breakthrough. For once she didn't feel like learning Korean was going to be an impossible struggle. The idea crossed her mind that the completed soulmate bond had helped, but from what she knew it wasn't capable of making such changes.

It was not a surprise when Jin was the first one up. Anna was slightly curious what his morning routine would be considering there was no punching bag to kick this time. When he spotted Anna, he sleepily made his way over to her, bending down to give her a kiss on the cheek, before heading into the kitchen to get a drink. Then he sat down at the table where Anna was making some notes on the lesson she had just had.

"Good... lesson?"

"Yes, but brain hurts."

Jin leaned over and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Mwah! Kiss it better."

There was a moment of silence where neither party knew whether to laugh or just be embarrassed.

"What you want to do today?"

"Umm... fishing?"

"Fishing? Really? Anna know fishing?"

"Yes, a little."

Anna was pretty impressed with herself when she managed to put the fishing pole together by herself. It had been quite a few years since she had done any fishing. Back in high school, they had to do an enrichment program one afternoon a week, doing a different activity every few weeks. This was where she had learnt to fish in the pond on her school's grounds. The one thing she had never done herself was putting the bait on the hook. Luckily Jin was happy to do that for her.

Apparently fishing from the floating house wasn't good enough, so Jin insisted they take the boat out on the river. Anna discreetly gripped the bench she was sitting on while Jin drove them out. She had awful balance. When he stopped the boat, they cast out on opposite sides and then the wait began.

It was a nice day. There were a few clouds in the sky which blocked out the sun every so often and there was one moment when the sun broke through that Anna glanced over at Jin. The light just happened to be hitting him perfectly and she couldn't help but stare at her oldest soulmate. It wasn't fair that he was so handsome.

"You like?"

Anna really needed to stop being so obvious with her staring.

"You think I am handsome, yes?"

Anna pursed her lips at Jin's teasing and looked away without answering.


Suddenly he sounded very close and when Anna turned towards him again his face was right in front of hers. It was like she was frozen in place as Jin's eyes bore into hers. Her heart raced as she waited to see what he would do next, all he had to do was lean in a little more.

A tug on the fishing line startled her so much that she jumped in her seat and almost lost her balance. Jin grabbed her, wrapping his arm around her waist to steady her.

"Careful Anna."

She didn't know whether to focus on her closeness to Jin, or the fact that she had almost fallen into the water. However, another tug on her line reminded her of why she was startled in the first place.

"I think I've caught a fish?"

Unfortunately, by the time they had reeled it in the fish had escaped. Though they were soon distracted from their disappointment by a shout coming from the shore.

"Yah! Jin! When are we cooking lunch?"

Jin had to grab Anna again when the sudden yell took her by surprise.

"Yah! Have you been spending too much time with Namjoon? He's infected you with his clumsiness!"

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