Princess Deserves Pancakes

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By the time Anna had collected her toiletries and a change of clothes, the bubbles had died down enough that she could actually get into the bath. But first, she needed to choose what music to listen to. Would it be weird if I listened to BTS, or would it be weirder if I didn't? Anna sighed; at this rate, the water would be cold by the time she had decided. So, she put on her 'BTS favourites' playlist.


Meanwhile, her soulmates were discussing the plan for the day while watching Jin and Yoongi cook breakfast.

"First, should we take Anna out or stay in?"

"Practically, we can't go out. It needs planning in advance, especially if all of us are going out together."

Hoseok nodded at Namjoon's words.

"Another day then. We could go out for dinner and book a private room somewhere."

"So today we are staying in?"

Jimin looked around at the others for confirmation.

"I think Anna will appreciate just being at home, all of us together."

"I agree with JK. Suddenly exposing her to lots of new things might overwhelm her too."

"Exactly Jin-hyung. I'm sure we all want to show Anna our favourite places, but we've got time. The next few weeks before the tour ends our schedule is fairly light and then after the final concert in Tokyo, we have some time off."

"Whoop whoop!"

"Yay, holiday!"

The maknae's cheered at Namjoon's mention of time off. Although they all couldn't wait for this tour, it had been exhausting and they were ready for a break, especially now they had their final soulmate to spend time with. Namjoon shook his head at his younger soulmates' antics, before continuing.

"I know we hadn't planned to do anything in particular, but now we could ask Anna if there's anything she would like to do or anywhere she wants to go."

"She told me she wanted to visit New Zealand and China and here of course."

Hobi perked up at the new information Jin had provided.

"New Zealand? Bon Voyage?"

"Yes, Anna said watching Bon Voyage made her want to go there."

Jungkook frowned in confusion.

"So why China?"

"She watches a lot of Chinese dramas."


"Do you think..."

"Think what Jimin?"

"Do you think she is a fan of any Chinese Idols?"

"Why would it matter? We can't expect her to only be a fan of us. ARMY may be devoted to us but many of them are fans of other groups as well."

"I know, but what if she likes them more?"

"Jimin-Hyung, what if Anna's ultimate bias is not one of us!"

"She did say she thought about learning Mandarin before she chose Korean."

Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other in horror before they turned to Namjoon.


"But she chose Korean."

Hoseok tried to calm the younger boys down, but Jin was having too much fun.

"Only because she thought Mandarin was more difficult."

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