You're My Proof

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Anna shuffled out of the bedroom. It was late at night and the Maknae line was cuddled up in her bed like a pile of puppies. She tried to be as quiet as possible as she got up and left the room, although her boys were heavy sleepers, and it was unlikely she would wake them.

Sleep was evading her, perhaps it was because she had a lot on her mind. When the heat of three of her soulmates cuddling up to her got to be too much, she decided to get a glass of water from the kitchen. Anna wasn't the only one still awake.

Namjoon was sitting at the kitchen table. As Anna walked up behind him, she watched as he ran his fingers through his hair. When she reached him, she wrapped her arms around him from behind, leaning around and kissing his cheek.

"What are you doing up?"

The leader turned his head towards Anna and gave her a tired smile.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Couldn't sleep."

"Me neither. Too much work to do."

Anna glanced at the papers scattered across the desk.

"What are you doing?"

"Going over our schedule for Washington."

"I still can't believe you're going to The White House."

"I'm sorry you're not coming with us."

"Honestly, I'm kind of glad I'm not. I'll leave changing the world to you."

Namjoon chuckled.

"Can I stay home with you?"

"Is this what you envisioned when you decided to become a rapper?"

"Yeah... sometimes I'm not sure what our lives are turning into, but as long as we're making a positive impact, then it's worth it."

"It's not your job to fix the world."

"But does that mean we shouldn't try?"

"Not at the risk of your own happiness."

Anna brushed her fingertips down the side of her soulmate's face. Namjoon took her hand and pressed his lips against her palm. Standing up he smiled down at her.

"Let's move somewhere more comfortable."

He led her to the sofa in the living room and Anna curled up against his side. For a few minutes, they both just took this rare chance to relax in the peace and quiet.

"They released the tracklist for your new album."

"And? What did you think?"

"Some great choices. I can think of a couple that I would have chosen, one in particular."

"Oh, yes? Which song is that?"


"Of course. I'm sorry we couldn't include it."

"It's ARMY you should be saying sorry to. A perk of being your soulmate is having access to all your songs. I can listen to your unofficial and unreleased tracks whenever I want."

"Is that so? I never gave you any songs."

"You didn't know? Yoongi downloaded them for me ages ago. Really, I'm upset that you didn't offer them to me first. Instead, I had to ask."

Namjoon chuckled and squeezed the arm which was wrapped around Anna. He kissed her forehead.

"I have neglected you, my love. I'm sorry."

"I still can't believe you didn't tell me that the album was an anthology."

"Are you disappointed?"

Anna sat up and turned to face him.

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