Joyful Knight

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When Anna woke up the next morning the room was filled with painting supplies.


"Anna! What do we do first?"

Jungkook knelt on the bed, already dressed in overalls and looking very excited.

"Well, first I'm going to wake up and take a shower."

He pouted at the thought of waiting.

"First we need to move the furniture into the middle of the room and cover everything in sheets. Then we wash the walls."

Anna barely got off the bed before Jungkook was pulling it away from the wall. She shook her head as she chose some clothes to take into the bathroom with her. When she came out all the furniture had been moved and covered with sheets.

"Noona! I wash the wall."

"Great job! Let's have breakfast while it dries."

After breakfast, they started on the ceiling.

"Shall we put some music on?"

"Yes! Noona can decide."

Anna went through her music but couldn't make a decision.

"Do you mind listening to your own music?"

"My music?"


"No. Go for it!"

They spent the next few hours painting and singing along to BTS songs.

"You know, your Korean is good."

"Ha ha you joker guy."

"Okay, not good, but sound Korean even if words are wrong."

"Really? Thank you."

By the time they finished the first coat, it was lunchtime and they needed to wait a few hours before they could do the second coat anyway. After eating they looked through the brochures and websites for things that they both liked to go in their room. Jungkook took note of everything Anna said she liked.


At dinner, Jin shared his concerns about Anna sleeping in her room, which Namjoon translated to her.

"Jin doesn't want you sleeping in your room because of the paint fumes."

"Oh, I don't think it's that bad."

"He's rather insistent."

Anna looked over a Jin who was staring at her with an unusually serious expression.

"You sleep my bed."

"Oh no, I can't steal your bed as well. I can just sleep on the sofa."

"No. I sleep Yoongi bed. You sleep my bed."

She had never seen him so intense and it was slightly intimidating. This Jin was not someone who took no for an answer.

"Umm, okay, if you insist."

"Good girl."

Anna looked down in a failed attempt to hide her blush caused by Jin's words, who was smirking at her reaction.

"Wait, what about Yoongi?"

"He'll crash with Jin for the few hours he's home."

She felt silly for asking. Of course, they share each other's beds all the time. You're the one making it awkward. Things had been surprisingly PG-13 and Anna had started to wonder if they were holding back in front of her.

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