Conflicting Emotions

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Anna was sure she was dreaming. From the moment they stepped out on stage she felt as though she had been in a trance. Everything was better than she ever could have imagined. She had read reports that all the members were even more handsome in real life than any of their photos portrayed, but Anna was still shocked when she first saw them. They were like Gods on stage. Their passion radiated from them as they danced, and their voices rang out with emotion. To Anna, they appeared to glow from within.

Anna couldn't remember the last time she had so much fun. It was almost as if she was having an out-of-body experience. The other ARMYs around her were blurred and muted and all she could see and hear was them. Anna waved her flashing light stick as she danced and sang along to all the songs. Usually, she would feel embarrassed and self-conscious to dance in public, but instead, she felt free.

It was nearing the end of the concert when the members separated and spread themselves across the stages so that they could interact more closely with ARMY. Anna wasn't sure where to look until she spotted Jimin getting closer and closer to her. She stared wide-eyed as he stopped on the stage right in front of her and begin sending out finger hearts. Anna could have sworn her heart skipped a beat when Jimin smirked whilst lifting his shirt slightly to reveal some skin after someone screamed his name.

Anna suddenly realised that she felt wanted, as though this is where she was meant to be. As she watched Jimin, she noticed him pause for a moment, his eyes wide, before he started looking out at the crowd as though he was searching for something. What is he looking for? She observed as he frowned slightly and then started to walk away to another part of the stage. Don't go.

Anna's eyes followed Jimin as he walked away from her, she barely noticed her chest aching and the feeling of want gradually fading away. She was so focused on Jimin that she didn't even notice Yoongi until Jimin was whispering in his ear. Anna watched as they both glanced in her direction and then at each other, then as Yoongi gave Jimin a nod before walking over to the spot on the stage where Jimin had just been.

The closer he got the more Anna felt a desire overcome her. She wished she had something that she was passionate about, in the way that Yoongi was about music. The thought made her feel wistful. Anna stared at Yoongi as he looked out at the crowd, just as Jimin had. They are looking for something or someone. She noticed Jin approach Yoongi and nudge him out of his trance. Jin looked at Yoongi worried until Yoongi gave him a nod and then his whole expression changed. He looked shocked; his eyes wide as he turned to look out at the crowd a faint smile on his lips. A wave of confidence washed over Anna, and at that moment, she felt as though she could do anything, it was as if someone was behind her offering her support. Jin continued to gaze out until the song that had been playing ended, and he joined his members before they left the stage.

Annas confidence left her. It was nearing the end; she knew they had gone to get ready for the encore and then it would be goodbye.


And then it was over.

Anna didn't move from her seat. Her irrational mind told her that if she didn't leave then it wasn't really the end. She could still hear the music of the last song and their voices ringing in her ears. As the ARMYs around her started to leave, Anna was in such a trance that she didn't notice the eyes on her.

Meanwhile, the staff were sighing in relief as the girl they were ordered to catch before she left the concert stayed in her seat.

"Excuse me?"

Anna was startled out of her daze by someone wearing a staff shirt approaching her. It was then that she realised the last of the crowds were trickling out of the stadium and she was the only one left. They probably want me to leave. Anna picked up her bag.

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