Must be a Dream

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Jungkook rushed forward to catch the girl before her head could hit the floor. As he held her in his arms for the first time, all he could think was that he never wanted to let go. She's perfect. He felt harmonious - balanced. As though she was the yin to his yang. That she would be the calm to his eagerness and the strength behind his worries.

"JK, put her on the sofa."

Jungkook carefully lifted her up and carried her over to the sofa, setting her down gently before letting her go, reluctantly.

All the boys gazed down at her worriedly while Jin looked her over.

"Is she okay, Hyung?"

Jimin was clinging onto Namjoon's arm, but at his words, Namjoon wrapped his arm around the younger boy and held him tight. Taehyung had his head buried in Yoongi's neck, his arms wrapped around the smaller boy's waist and Hoseok had grabbed Jungkook's hand.

Jin looked up from the unconscious girl to the worried eyes of his soulmates and smiled reassuringly.

"Don't worry. She's fine. She just fainted."

"I knew she was nervous, well, kind of scared actually, but I didn't think she would faint!"

The staff member suddenly had seven pairs of eyes on her.

"She was scared."

"Of us?"

"Umm, yes, there was a minute where she wasn't going to come and meet you."

The boys looked at each other as they all wondered why their soulmate was afraid to meet them.

"Okay, thank you. We'll look after her."

The staff member nodded and turned to leave.

"Wait! What's her name?"


The staff member smiled and bowed before leaving the room. There was a moment of silence while they all mulled over their thoughts.

"I expect she fainted, not because of shock or nerves, but because of the soulmate bond. Seven different emotions are a lot to handle all at one time, especially when you're not expecting it."

"I should have thought of that. I remember when I met three of you, it was a lot to process."

"That was almost ten years ago Jin Hyung. It's been so long since we first met each other, we forgot how disabling it can be at first."

"It's no one's fault. First things first, Anna, can't wake up to all of us being here."

"You should stay Namjoon. She said she wasn't fluent in Korean and she will probably find it hard to focus enough to hold a conversation at the moment, let alone translate."

"I think Jimin-Hyung should stay as well."


"Yeah, no one could find such a cute face scary."


The boys laughed as Jimin pouted at Jungkook's joke.

"Okay, Namjoon and Jimin will stay and when Anna wakes up and is more comfortable, we can come in one at a time, so we don't overwhelm her."

As the other five boys reluctantly left the room there was one particular thought going through all of their minds.

Why was she afraid of us?


When Anna woke up, she was surrounded by the warm, exciting feeling of being wanted, and she vaguely remembered having a similar feeling during the concert. She also felt happy. Why am I waking up happy? Maybe I had a good dream. It was then that Anna realised that the last thing she remembered was being at the BTS concert. Oh no. It all came rushing back to her. When she stepped into the room to find seven pairs of eyes staring at her, she had felt a rush of emotion or rather emotions. She frowned. What happened?

"Hyung, I think she's waking up."

Anna froze as she heard someone whisper in Korean next to her. That sounded like... She slowly opened her eyes to find a stunningly beautiful man staring back at her. After what felt like minutes, but was only a few seconds of staring, Anna realised that this was real. He really was in front of her.


Anna watched as Jimin's face lit up and his eyes squinted as he smiled at her. Did I just say that out loud?


Anna's eyes darted away from Jimin and towards the sound of her name. She blushed when she saw Namjoon sitting on a chair next to her with an amused expression. As Anna sat up on the sofa, she didn't notice Jimin's hand hovering over her as she did.

"How do you feel?"

"Uh, I'm fine."

Anna glanced at both of them to find them watching her intently, so she ducked her head down to look at her hands in her lap as she started playing with her fingers.

"Umm, I'm sorry... for causing you trouble. Thank you... for looking after me. I'll, um, leave now."

Anna stood up and gave an awkward bow of her head, but before she could leave a voice stopped her.

"Do not... go."

Anna looked up at Jimin and was instantly disarmed at the expression on his face, which could be described as puppy eyes.



He gestured for her to sit back down on the sofa before sitting next to her. Jimin was smiling so wide that Anna couldn't help but smile too.


Anna felt herself blush again and she turned away from Jimin and looked down at her lap again. This must be a dream. Jimin did not just call me beautiful! Anna decided to pinch herself to make sure.

"No! No. Do not... don't hurt yourself!"

Anna was surprised at Jimin's outburst and didn't catch what he said in Korean, so she looked to Namjoon for translation.

"He said, don't hurt yourself."

"Huh? Oh! I, uh, I thought I was dreaming."

Namjoon chuckled at her confession and Anna hid her face in her hands. She could hear Namjoon to Jimin, most likely translating to him what she had said.

"Not...Not... Namjoon Hyung, what is the word for dream?"


Suddenly Anna felt warm hands on her wrists gently pulling her hands away from her face. She almost gasped when Jimin held one of her hands in his, linking their fingers together, and her eyes darted up to look at him.

"Not dream."

All Anna could think about was that as soon as Jimin had touched her, the feeling of being wanted had washed over her. Overwhelmed she retracted her hand from his hold and frowned as the feeling numbed slightly. Full of curiosity, she reached over and put her hand on top of Jimin's again and the feeling came back at full force. What the hell? She looked up from their hands to look Jimin in the eye. Is he feeling this too? Anna focused on the feeling. It wasn't something she was used to feeling, wanted. As if this was where she was meant to be. Like we are meant for each other. Anna froze.

"No way. It can't be... You can't be my..."


Anna stared at Jimin, but she wasn't really seeing him. Her mind was buzzing. This was her dream come true; she had found her soulmate. It was something she had dreamed about since she was a little girl. She should be elated, excited, and happy, but instead, she was just shocked. Park Jimin from BTS was her soulmate, she just couldn't wrap her head around it. He was beautiful and kind and simply just perfect, while she was just plain, boring Anna.

She was brought out of her thoughts by a hand on her cheek and she realised she had been crying and Jimin was wiping away her tears. She didn't know why she was crying, were they happy tears or was it sadness, or perhaps a bit of both? But as she sat next to Jimin with her face in his hands and his eyes looking at her full of emotion, Anna decided to push her negative thoughts aside.


Jimin burst into giggles and Anna couldn't help, but join in. 

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