Playful Possessiveness

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The morning had started out normally. Anna was writing notes after having her Korean lesson earlier that morning. When she looked up, she noticed Taehyung standing by the window obviously looking at something. She couldn't see anything from where she was sitting so she walked over to him. Anna's jaw almost dropped when she saw what Tae had been looking at. He had been watching Namjoon doing Yoga outside.


"Nice, right?"

Anna just nodded. Namjoon was wearing a tank top and shorts. She remembered that he used to wear tank tops a lot, and with his new workout regime over the past year, she hoped to see him wearing them more often. He looked good. He always looked good and Anna knew that, but it hit slightly differently watching him in all these different positions.

"Want to..."

"You want to join in?"

Taehyung grinned and nodded his head.

"Sure! Do you have any more mats?"

Anna went to change into something more exercise appropriate, while Taehyung went to get his mat and borrow Hoseok's. When they approached Namjoon, the leader paused his work out to ask if they were joining them.

"If you don't mind. I'll have to follow you though and don't laugh at me because I don't work out like you guys do."

They set down their mats in front of Namjoon as if he was leading a class. The newbies both broke out into giggles a few times when either of them lost their balance and toppled over. When Namjoon did a more complicated move, they both decided not to even attempt it. Instead, they sat down and went back to admiring their usually clumsy soulmate. They had a much better view from here.

When he looked their way, Anna and Tae immediately stood up and pretended that they had been following along the whole time. Namjoon wasn't oblivious to his younger soulmates' stares and once the pair were focused back on their own movements, he took the chance to do some observations of his own. Once they had finished, the leader walked up to Anna.

"You like watching me, huh?"

Anna blushed at Namjoon's teasing.

"I watched you too."

She looked up to find his intense gaze on her. Namjoon placed his hands on her hips and as he stepped even closer to Anna, she reacted by stepping back until she collided with something. Turning her head slightly, she realised it was Taehyung she had bumped into. He was now standing flush against her back and Namjoon had moved so he was right in front of her. She was surrounded on both sides by her tallest soulmates, but she didn't feel trapped.

Anna's eyes fluttered closed when Taehyung began leaving kisses on the exposed skin of her neck and shoulder. She reached forward and rested her hands on Namjoon's broad chest. Once again, she was overwhelmed by the close proximity of her soulmates. The outside world ceased to exist and all she could feel was the firm touch of their hands on her body and Tae's lips on her skin.

"Yah! Get a room!"


Suddenly Anna found herself being lifted off the ground and over Namjoon's shoulder, making her squeal in surprise. He headed towards his room in the floating house but was hindered by Taehyung running after them and trying to steal Anna from him.

"Yah! You better not drop her!"

Hearing the commotion Jungkook appeared and the competitive maknae joined in trying to take Anna for himself. During the struggle between the three guys, Anna was unknowingly put down and she managed to escape. She ran over to Jin who was standing by the main house watching the chaos unfold and hid behind him.

Jin knew when the others finally noticed none of them had Anna as they started looking around for her. However, they couldn't see her as she was completely hidden by Jin's broad shoulders.

"Jin-Hyung, did you see where Anna went?"

The oldest soulmate brought Anna out in front of him and wrapped his arms around her, pretending he had captured her.

"Ha ha! I won! I win!"

After lunch, Anna was sitting in the living room of the main house. Jimin was playing video games next to her and Jungkook was doodling in a sketchbook. Anna was doing one of the craft boxes Hobi had brought with him. She was knitting a scarf which she thought would be a great present for Namjoon's birthday in a few days' time.

"Woah! Anna wow!"

Anna glanced over at Jimin who was watching her knit with wide eyes.

"Noona very talented. How long... You done this before?"

"Knitting? Yes, a little. Enough to be able to make a scarf."

"Who, for? Who this for?"

"Umm, Namjoon? For his birthday. Do you think he will like it?"


"Namjoon Hyung will love it!"

After a while, she needed a break and she noticed Hobi sitting outside by himself. So, she decided to join him. As she approached, he opened up his arms for her and she happily snuggled up against his side. At first, they just enjoyed taking in the scenery in each other's company, until Hoseok brought up something Anna had been trying not to think about all day.

"You decide what you do tomorrow?"


"You don't have to, if you not want to. You choose what best for you. No pressure. Okay?"

"I wish I could do it, but it's too soon, and too short notice. Maybe next time? Then you guys can prepare me for it?"

"Yes, very short notice. Don't worry. We help you for next time."

Jungkook came running up to them with an item of clothing in his hand.

"Noona look cold. Put this on?"

"Oh, thank you Kookie."

As she put on the hoodie, she missed the satisfied smirk that appeared on Jungkook's lips at seeing Anna in his clothes. When she looked back up at him, she only saw his innocent bunny grin. Hoseok was amused at his youngest soulmate's actions but said nothing. Jungkook sat down next to them.

"Hyung, did you know Anna can knit?"


"Yeah. Anna make birthday present for Namjoon Hyung."

"Wow! Our smart girl! Jungkookie has competition!"

"What? No way! Kookie is a whole other level of talented. No one can beat our golden maknae."


Hoseok reached over and pinched Jungkook's blushing cheeks.

"Cute! Its nice living with an ARMY. Right, Jungkook?"

"I love ARMY, but I love Anna more."

An Indescribable FeelingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon