Getting Everything Wrong

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"Hello! I'm Anna and welcome to Anna's Adventures where each week I will be completing activities and exploring Korean culture. Today, I will be doing a BTS quiz."

"This is such a bad idea. Okay, just to warn you, I am terrible with the names of things. So, I promise that I do know BTS's music, but it might be a 'I know song, but not song name' situation. Okay? Let's go!"

"The first round is called Who Am I? Part One: Visuals. I will be shown a picture of one of the members and I have to guess who it is. I'm guessing there's a twist."

When the first picture appeared, it was just a blur.

"Oh dear, I thought you would start off easy. Am I really meant to know who it is from that?"

Anna squinted at the picture.

"There will be some ARMYs out there who can recognise the outfit and who wore it and when. I am not one of them."

She laughed.

"If I don't know do I get a less blurry version, or...? No, I just have to guess. Okay... Jin!"

Her face fell as the original photo was revealed and then she smacked her hand to her forehead.

"J-Hope. I was so focused on his face that I didn't notice the red splodge of his microphone. Okay, I'll do better next time!"

Each picture was distorted in a different way. It took a few goes until she got one right and Anna threw her hands up in the air to celebrate.

"I need to get a minimum of one correct answer per round, okay? Next round! Who Am I? Part Two: Voices. I will be played a clip of one of the members talking and I have to guess who it is. Let's see what the twist will be this time... Let's listen to the first clip."

When the first clip played it was obviously sped up, but you couldn't understand what they were saying, but the tone of their voice was evident.

"You started with an easy one, didn't you? I could listen to RM talk all day, although preferably at a normal speed. Am I right? Yay! I've already got one right this round, so no pressure for the rest."

The rest of the round went well, with Anna only getting a couple wrong.

"I liked that round. That comes from years of listening to them and nothing else. I can see why you used clips of them talking, if you used their songs the difference between the rappers and the singers would be more distinct. On to the next round!

"Run BTS! The quiz. Ah, I remember you doing this with BTS, did it go well? All I can remember is that the questions were very specific, about small details. Oh! And they got to look stuff up! Can I do that? No? Okay, never mind. First question!

"What animal does Jimin pick to play the animal kingdom game at the pyjama party?

Anna stares dumbly for a moment.

"I should know this one. This episode was the first or second one I ever watched and it's one of my favourites. Oh no!"

She started acting out the animal movements that she remembered them doing.

"That was RM's, that's Jungkook's... that's Suga's, but what was Jimin's! Ah! I don't remember! They're all laughing at me behind the camera. Umm... I know it's wrong, but a cat!"

They played her a clip of them playing the game.

"Elephant! Of course! This round is going to go badly, isn't it? Okay, give me the next one."

Anna was right. The questions got a lot harder.

"Do people really know this stuff?"

When it got to the last question, she still hadn't got any right, so the directors secretly gave her an easy one. When she got it right, she collapsed to the ground.

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