I Spy a Criminal Undercover

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Anna didn't know if they knew that she was BTS's soulmate or if they thought that she was a member of staff, either way, she was happy to be able to watch their Grammy rehearsal. It was the only time that they were getting to practice with all seven of them and she felt guilty. They practised as many times as they had time to and in typical BTS fashion, they all left feeling that they could have done better.

The boys were a bundle of excitement and nerves as they got ready. They all practised their English answers for the red-carpet interviews. Anna went around and listened to each of them and helped them say what they wanted to say. Taehyung in particular kept coming up to her to ask questions and check that he was pronouncing everything correctly. Most of all, she enjoyed seeing them all dressed up.

Namjoon was sitting in a chair having just had his hair styled and was rehearsing some of his own answers. As the only member fluent in English, it was a lot of pressure on him to guide the group during their foreign interviews. Anna approached him from behind and rested her hands on his shoulders, giving them a squeeze.

"Deep breaths. You're going to be wonderful, as always."

She smiled at his reflection in the mirror as he raised his head to meet her gaze.

"I know I shouldn't care so much, but it's still the Grammys. Yet, with all the extra English I've been speaking over the past few months, it should be easier."

The leader took a deep breath as Anna ran her hands down his chest, leaning forwards so that her head was next to his. He felt her breath on his cheek as she spoke.

"Maybe it's selfish of me, but I do love it when you speak my language. Don't get me wrong, your voice when you speak Korean is also... dreamy -"

"I'll speak English to you whenever you want, my love."

A shiver ran down her spine.

"No... Nope! Naughty Namjoon. They've already warned me not to mess up your makeup!"

"There's plenty of time for them to fix it."

Anna laughed as her soulmate pulled her around to sit across his lap. Namjoon ran his hand over the material of her dress. She was also dressed up for the Grammys. Although she wouldn't be with the boys, Anna was just happy to be able to support her soulmates and watch their performance.

"Do you like it?"

"You look beautiful. You should be walking the red carpet with us."

"I think I'll leave that to my dashing soulmates."

"Well, I think your dashing soulmate needs a kiss, for good luck, of course."

The light peck he received had Namjoon protesting.

"That's all you're getting, for now, Mister. Now let me go, Jin needs some help."

Reluctantly, he let Anna go and she walked over to Jin who was glaring at the cast on his hand. Namjoon smiled as he watched his soulmates look after each other. This is what was important. This is what he reminded himself as prepared to be disappointed again.

When they reached the red carpet, Anna wished her boys good luck before leaving them to their interviews to enter the venue with Bang PD. She wished that she could be there to help Namjoon with the translations and prompt the boys when to use their prepared answers. Yet it did make her smile when she heard all the shouting that BTS had arrived.

The night seemed to drag as Anna waited impatiently for her soulmates' performance as well as the announcement of the award they were nominated for. She knew that she wouldn't have to wait much longer when Bang PD pointed out a figure hovering above the stage. While she felt nervous just at the thought of being suspended from the ceiling, her youngest soulmate looked at home.

An Indescribable Feelingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें