Promise Judgement

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"Ugh! Why do I find this so hard?"

It was Anna's last Korean lesson of the week and she felt as though she hadn't made any progress. She was frustrated.

"You're doing fine Anna. Learning a language is hard and it takes a long time, but you are making progress."

"I just feel bad. My soulmates are trying really hard to speak as much English as they can for me. But they work so hard and then they have to come home and try to translate everything they say... It's not fair on them."

"I'm sure they don't feel that way. Would it be fair on you for them to expect you to speak Korean all the time? You've only just started having lessons this week. Think of it as practice for them."

"Namjoon did say the others needed the practice."

Anna gasped. She wasn't sure if her tutor was aware of who her soulmates were, so she had tried to be very general when speaking about them.

"Don't worry. I already know who your soulmates are. As I work for the Soulmate Registration Office, I'm under a strict confidentiality agreement."

"Oh. Good."

"Seven soulmates are a lot. It seems like there are more and more, larger soulmate groups appearing."

"I think it's so that it is easier to find your soulmate. You have a higher chance of finding one of four or one of eight, rather than just finding one single person."

"That makes sense. Now that fate has given us a time limit, we need as much help as possible."

After the lesson, Tom walked Anna out into the foyer.

"Now don't forget to review everything we've done this week. It will help you complete your homework."

Anna laughed.

"It's strange to be getting homework again. It's nice though, kind of makes me miss school! You didn't need to give me so much though..."

Tom chuckled.

"It's for your own benefit... and your soulmates."

"I know. You're right. Thank you. See you next week."

"See you on Monday Anna. Bye."


Jimin had a break in his schedule today, so he decided to surprise Anna by picking her up from her lesson and taking her out for lunch. He didn't expect that when he arrived, he would find her laughing with another man.

Jimin felt strange. What he was feeling was so unfamiliar that it took him a minute to recognise what it was; jealousy. It wasn't something that he had ever felt with his other soulmates. Their bond had always been strong, so he had never had any reason to doubt. As he watched Anna talk with the man, he realised it wasn't just because their bond wasn't complete that he was feeling this way. It was also the fact that she could converse so easily with this man, whereas he could barely form a single sentence in English. Maybe I should ask Namjoon for some lessons.

Anna almost didn't see Jimin as she left. He looked lost in thought with a furrowed brow and she wondered why he looked annoyed. She approached him cautiously.


Upon hearing her voice, he looked directly at her and for a brief moment, Anna thought she saw a hint of sadness in them. Jimin smiled at her, his eyes disappearing.

"Hello, Anna."

There was a short pause where he seemed to be searching for the right words.

"I'm here to take you out for lunch. Surprise!"

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