𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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His voice shook as he continued, and he paused to run a hand through his tousled hair. "I'm going to go to the La Push Reservation if that's alright."

There was a beat of silence, but then she answered him. "Alright. I'll call the school and let them know that you won't be there today."

"Thank you" he answered. "I'm coming to the house first"

"Okay" Bella replied, her voice shaky and uneven. If she were human, William would've guessed that she would be crying. It only made his heart twist in pain.

"Bye," he spoke, lowering the phone from his ear. "Fuck," he hissed, anger coursing through him.

William ended the call, swallowing the lump in his throat before driving off towards the house, lost in his thoughts. The Cullens were back, and they were going to ruin everything.

His house came in view and he let out a sigh of relief. He quickly slammed his foot down on the brakes, lurching forward before being slammed back into the seat as the seatbelt locked. His mother would be pissed about that later. He looked up at the house, taking a deep breath before tearing off the seatbelt across his chest and flinging open his door with frantic strength. For a short moment, he was scared the car door would tear off.

He ran towards the house and tore the door open, seeing his mother rubbing her temples in frustration.

"Mom" he called out

In a second, he was engulfed in a hug. His walls came crumbling down. He hugged her tightly, quietly dry sobbing on her shoulder. He gripped onto her jacket and dug his hands into her shoulders. She was doing the same. It was surprising how the Cullens could cause them so much grief, pain, hurt and anger. He stopped for a moment, clearing his throat and regaining enough composure to speak.

"I saw him" he whispered. "I saw Edward"

At the mention of him, Bella stiffened. She buried her face into his shoulder.

He continued. "I gave them a real shock."

A small laugh fell from his mother's lips, and he let a sad, victorious smile fall over his face as he pulled away to see her expression.

"Everything's going to be alright, William" she said softly.

"I know" he simply said, wrapping his arms around her once more in a tight hug,

They held onto each other for a moment before loosening their grip and slipping from each other's embrace.

Bella cleared her throat, any evidence of her pain erased.

"How about we go hunting?"

"You need to stop doing that, Mom"

She simply sighed knowingly in response and turned her head. "I know," she answered. "Just . . . let's go hunting, ok?"

"Ok," he said reluctantly, and he knew she could hear his concern.

His mother smiled at him. "Then I can drive you to the La Push Reservation."

William nodded. He needed to forget about the day.

"Alright." Bella said, clapping her hands together in excitement, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Let's go hunting."

William smiled, ignoring the anxiety that welled in his chest. "Race you there." He sprinted through the front door using his vampire speed. As he reached the outside, he ducked and weaved through the trees, laughing as he heard Bella catching up to him.

"Oh you're so on!" She exclaimed, running past him and laughing.

He pushed himself further, the distance closing between the two, and a genuine smile overcame his face as he slowly began to forget about the hell that had just happened earlier.

𝐀 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 | 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now