𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟕

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William was nervous. William hadn't figured out why. Maybe it was because they were his grandparents or maybe it was just the alcohol. Whether it was any of those things, William didn't have time to dwell. He was already searching for Carlisle and Esme, planning what he would say to them. William was only saying goodbye; William didn't know why he was so nervous. He would to save his panic for another time because this wasn't the ideal time to panic, although William was already beginning to. The bright, flashing lights. The loud chatter and yelling of the teenagers, making William jump and flinch. William was beginning to regret his search for Carlisle and Esme. The longer he stayed, the worse it got. 

William took a deep breath, clamping his hand over his other shaking hand. He gulped before continuing, looking hopelessly lost. Luckily, a certain man noticed his struggles. 

"William!" Emmett's loud voice boomed. William jumped in surprise as Emmett's big hand clamped down on his shoulder. Emmett wore a wide grin on his face. "How are you enjoying the party?" 

"It's good." William said, gulping anxiously. "Do you know where I could find Carlisle and Esme?"

Emmett chuckled. "Already wanting to meet the folks?" Emmett teased. 

William scowled, slapping Emmett's cold marble arm, knowing it wouldn't cause the burly man harm. "I just want to thank them properly and say goodbye."

Emmett frowned playfully. "Leaving already?"

William shrugged, uneasiness bubbling in his stomach. "I can't take much longer" he joked, sending Emmett a small smile. 

Emmett grinned, his hand still resting on Emmett's shoulder. "Luckily I, your knight in shining armor, have come to your aid" Emmett joked. "I will now proceed to lead you to Carlisle and Esme."

William winced. "You don't sound good using big words."

Emmett scoffed playfully. "What's that supposed to mean."

"I don't know Emmett. I don't know."

A grin made it's way on Emmett's face and his loud laugh boomed through the building. He led William through the crowd, ignoring the student's lustful and curious gazes. 

"They never stop, do they?" William whispered. 

"It's nice to be taken. That helps." Emmett shrugged, frowning slightly. "Although that doesn't stop them from trying."

William winced, imagining the situation in his head. "It must get very annoying."

Emmett hummed in agreement. "It does" he spoke. "Oh look! It's Mom and Pops."

William smiled, a light laugh shaking his body. Esme and Carlisle were wrapped up in each other's embrace, matching smiles on their faces as they saw William and Emmett. William frowned slightly. 

Over the years, it was just him and his mother. William had never had a father in his life. He never really had a complete family, although Bella was all the family he needed. 

In a way, Jacob was like a father to him. Jacob taught William how to drive, along with Bella of course. He taught William how to shave. Jacob was a father to William and William would be forever thankful, although, his biological father, was Edward Cullen and a part of William wanted to get to know the man, know his father, but a part of him was scared. Scared of the unknown, the endless possibilities that could change. 

A part of him didn't want to let Edward in because if his father left again, it would tear his heart in half and William had seen the damage Edward had caused to his mother. William vowed to never let that happen again. 

"Hello, Mrs. Cullen, Mr. Cullen."

Esme smiled warmly at him, reminding him of his mother. "Call me Esme." She walked over to William and took him in an embrace. He stiffened for a short moment before returning the embrace. 

"Is there something wrong, William?" Carlisle spoke gently, his voice soothing. 

William smiled at Carlisle. "No. I just wanted to thank you for hosting this party and inviting me." 

Emmett snorted. "Trying to impress the parents" he teased. 

William scoffed playfully. "My mother-" William's voice faltered at the mention of his mother, dying down. He regained his composure, ignoring Emmett's curious gaze and Esme's look of concern and pity. "Thank you" he spoke before brushing past Emmett and returning to the main room. He stopped, eavesdropping on Carlisle, Esme, and Emmett's conversation. 

"Did I say something?"

"No" Carlisle spoke reassuringly. "You did nothing wrong, Emmett."

"Poor William" Esme spoke softly. William could hear the sadness and pity in her voice. He didn't want it. He didn't want their pity. "Something must've happened to his mother."

"Oh" Emmett said, at a loss for words. 

William tuned out of their conversation, clenching his jaw slightly. This was what happened. The Cullens made you feel warm and loved. They drew you in, and then cast you away. William wouldn't let it happen again, he wouldn't let his mother go through the pain again. He was angry at himself for liking the Cullens, angry that he felt things for them. They felt like family. And William hated it. He resented himself for it. 

William ran towards his car, thankful that no one had asked any questions. He drove off towards his humble abode, his emotions hysterical and frantic. 

He didn't know what had gotten into him lately . . .

𝐀 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 | 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now