𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟔

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William cleared his throat and ran a shaky hand through his hair. His mother seemed to be a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at any moment. William watched her with calculating eyes, fearing her reaction to the Cullens. 

"We should get going," Bella spoke low and harshly. 

Before they had any time to reply, Bella grabbed William's hand and lifted him up to his feet, running them out of the house. William sucked in a breath of fresh air as he stared at the forest that surrounded him, but he had no time to think because soon enough, they were running through the forest. Bella cradled him in her arms as she ran towards the house, putting as much distance between the Cullens and them as possible.

William's eyes scanned the forest as it whipped past him. His eyesight had limitations, but he could see the forest decently, even at the speed that they were running. The forest never failed to amaze him. It would be something that he loved until the end of time.

"I'm sorry," William said, his voice breaking over the wind. 

Bella's lips tightened in a thin line. "You don't have to apologize, William."

"But I do," he pressed. "I'm the reason that the Cullens know you're here."

"It was bound to happen at some point," Bella reasoned.

William let out a huff of a frustration but kept silent. He didn't want to argue with his mother. It would only cause a rift to form between them. It would be better when they reached home, being given time to process this whole ordeal. He would handle his anger elsewhere.

William zoned out for a moment before breaking out of his thoughts, seeing that they had arrived home. His mother placed him gently on his feet, his shoes crunching the gravel beneath him. With each step he took, his feet thumped against the ground. The sound seemed to echo throughout the forest, being the only sound that was made as they walked back to the house. His mother held him close, one of her arms wrapped around his shoulder. William was weary and injured, all he wanted to do was sleep. 

William yawned, separating from his mother's embrace. His gaze trailed behind her as she walked to the couch, rubbing her temples in frustration, most likely starting to process their situation. William sighed softly before heading to his room and laying on his bed. He grabbed his phone from his nightstand, raising a brow as he saw that he had some missed texts from Seth. 

'Are you alright, William?' Seth's text read. 

William's lips stretched out into a small smile. 'I'm alright,' he texted back.

After a short moment, Seth replied back. 'Sorry about the dance.'

'It's fine, Seth,'  he responded back. 

'But, that was like one of your first dances.'

William laughed. 'Probably one of my only dances. I didn't exactly inherit my father's dancing genes.' William paused before continuing. 'Are you alright, Seth?'

'I'm fine. It was awesome fighting vampires!'

William chuckled at the boy's enthusiasm. Even after all these years, he was still bright and enthusiastic. A happy little punk as William would call him.

'I'm sure Paul is bummed' William replied sourly. 

'Yeah. He is. Hasn't stopped complaining about it since we got back.'

'I'm sure he has.'

'I have to go William. See you later.' Seth responded back.

Strangely, William felt disappointed by the boy's text. It was almost as if he had hoped for more, hoped that he had shared more time with the boy. William shook his head. He wasn't catching feelings. The boy had an imprint. It just wasn't William. He should move on. That's what William would do. 

He would move on for Seth's sake . . .

AN: A lot of these chapters are filler chapters! I'm not really sure how to end the story! If you have any ideas, feel free to leave them in the comments below!

𝐀 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 | 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now