𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗

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William drove towards La Push, nodding his head to the radio. They had some good songs on today. He twisted his neck to the side, shifting his hands on the steering wheel. The reservation was a long drive. A small smile graced his face as he watched the green forest around him, but he narrowed his eyes at the silhouette in the fog. He hesitated before pulling over to the side of the road.

He slammed the car door behind him as he exited his car. He walked towards the fog and his heartbeat pounded in his ears. He sucked in a shaky breath, stopping for a moment to regain his composure. The figure drew closer, their appearance becoming clearer.

It was a woman, she appeared to be young but William wasn't sure. He stopped in his tracks, raising his hands. The woman stopped, tilting her head to the side, still covered in the fog.

"Don't come any closer."

The women paused before flashing William a wicked smile as she stepped through the fog. "Hello, little Swan."

William's eyes widened and he fought the urge to gasp in shock.

"Victoria" he breathed out, his fear growing. He knew he could only stall the women. He didn't have enough power to kill her without revealing that he was a hybrid. His panic grew as she came closer, causing him to take a step back in fear.

She titled her head and laughed. "I won't kill you yet, little Swan."

He paused, cutting her off. "Drop the nickname, will you."

She pressed her lips in a thin line. "I'm going to enjoy this."

He blinked and she was in front of him with her fist drawn back. He ducked his head, but her fist connected to his jaw with a loud crack. He was in the air and then he was slamming harshly onto the forest ground, groaning in pain. She rushed over to him, grabbing him by his throat and slamming him against a tree. He struggled to get out of her grasp, clawing at her hands and slamming his fists against her face.

"Pity" she said, tilting her head. "Humans are so fragile." She pressed him further into the tree. "And weak" she spat, slamming her hand into his rib cage. He let out a cry of pain as he heard the sickening crack of his ribs breaking. This only seemed to satisfy Victoria, causing a small smile to form on her lips.

"That's only a fraction of the pain your bloodline caused me" she whispered. She caressed his face in fake sympathy.

"It's a shame that I can't kill you" she frowned.

She made a small cut on his cheek with her nail, specks of blood dripping from the incision. He tightened his hands on her neck and gritted his teeth. The cracks that ran along her skin and the sound of splitting marble sent a surge of adrenaline through him. Volturi, volturi, volturi.

He gazed into her widening eyes and he could see the shock coursing through them. Did she-

A searing hot pain coursed through his side, a burning fire. He wearily looked down, seeing her hand against his stomach. He choked on his breath as she dug her nails deeper, and crimson blood poured from the wound. His jacket and shirt covered in blood and the cracks along her skin. They both knew it. He blinked. She was gone along with his breath as he slammed into the forest floor.

He squeezed his eyes shut and focused on the roots digging into his back. There was a burning pain in his lungs as he sucked in each breath. He stared down at his wound. His shirt was torn, revealing deep wounds that were bleeding heavily. Crimson blood soaked his jacket, hiding the wounds. A metallic taste filled William's mouth, his jaw throbbed and his wounds burned in agony.

He fought off the darkness, but it pulled him toward it. He laid his head on the forest floor, looking up at the spinning forest canopy.

His whole life flashed before him. The memories of family, suffering, joy. Life. The parts that made up life itself. The good and bad. The meaning of life. What was the meaning of life to William? A thousand answers flashed through his head but he couldn't choose one.

As the end drew near, he truly felt alive. More alive then he had ever been. Death had given him another reason to stay. It wasn't the end yet. It truly couldn't be the end. His life had just begun and now, it was being cut short. His time slowly running out. At least he would die in in a place that brought him happiness and a sense of peace even if the roots were digging into his back and he could feel the hardness beneath his head.

The Forest. A place which had brought him joy and a strange sense of tranquility at times when he was down. Throughout all his life, the forest had always been waiting for him, opening it's arms to him and welcoming him.

He sat in the nothingness behind his eyelids, wondering what had consumed him. Had he survived? Would he live to see another day?

His eyes snapped open, revealing a white room. Was this the afterlife? He stared down at his clothes, they were a radiant white, glowing in the light. He stared down at them in confusion, slowly lifting up his shirt.

His eyes widened in shock as he realized that his wounds had vanished. There wasn't a trace.

"Where am I?" he whispered to himself, looking out into the white abyss.

He stared at it for a moment before breaking out of his trance. Light footsteps came towards his direction, causing him to whip his head around. His eyes widened in shock as he saw a person he hadn't seen since he was a little boy.

"Hey, kiddo"

𝐀 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 | 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now