𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔 (𝓔𝓭𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓭'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥)

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A hollow pain filled my undead heart, a pain that I had fully embraced. Every agonizing moment spent with her came flooding back to me as soon as he came. William Swan. A name that I could not erase from my memory. He shared the same name that she had once shared.

Her lips, her smile, her face. Every beautiful moment I spent in her presence, rushing back to me as soon as he came.

He intrigued me to no end. He was like her. I could not read the depths of his mind or hear the thoughts that he was thinking at that very moment. It was too much to bear. What if she had moved on? It was what I had wanted for her yet I still wanted to hold her in my grasp and never let her go. I was selfish. Selfish to think that I could hold her for all eternity, that we could spend an eternity together.

Her time still fell short. She died only a couple of months after we had left Forks and yet I still could not protect her from the world I tore her from. Every moment spent together. I was selfish to wish that we could share more moments. That I, Edward Anthony Cullen, could hold Isabella Marie Swan in my immortal grasp forever.

William Swan, a name that swam in the depths of my mind. He shared Bella's soft brown eyes with specks of gold in them, reminding me of a vampire who shared my diet. On the first day, he only wore a simple denim jacket with a white shirt. I was beyond fascinated by him, pained by his existence. His every movement, his every emotion reminding me of Bella. The girl that I would love until the end of eternity.

The thought of her brought me a pain that could not compare. She died believing that I had never loved her; as if I could love anyone else.

As soon as I heard the news of her death, I booked a flight to Volterra, wishing to be reunited with my love, but, I was confronted by six grieving vampires. I reluctantly accepted my fate, forced to spend an eternity without Bella, the girl who filled my every thought.

There was a resemblance shared between them. It pained me to no end. Everything reminded me of her. I could not escape this torture. Maybe this was my payment for all the lives I took, but there would be nothing worse than this torture.

I wished to be reunited with my Bella. Every day, I anxiously waited for the end of my days, Bella in my every thought.

"Edward" Carlisle softly called.

I snapped my head up to meet his pitiful gaze, resting my head in my hands. "His name was William Swan" I replied softly, reading his thoughts.

"He looked exactly like" I paused taking a deep breath. "Bella" I replied, the name rolling off my tongue.

Carlisle studied my expression, his topaz eyes holding pity. He rested his marble hand on my shoulder gently, looking at me with sympathy.

"We're here for you, son" he spoke gently. "Would you mind if I see him for myself?"

I shook my head, not meeting his gaze. I didn't deserve his sympathy. Not after what I did to Bella.

I looked up at him and sent him a pained smile, resting my hands in my lap. Carlisle walked away, his steps holding a graceful rhythm to them. I stared down at my hands for a while, engrossed in my thoughts before standing up abruptly.

"I'm going to hunt" I whispered. "Clear my mind" I added.

'Be careful, son' Esme spoke through her thoughts.

'I find that a good bear helps vent out anger' Emmett shouted in his thoughts.

A small smile danced across my lips and I silently thanked him.

"Thanks for the suggestion, Emmett" I whispered, voicing my unspoken gratitude.

'No problem' he replied.

I smiled before dashing off towards the woods, spending a moment looking around the forest. I sighed before walking at human pace, my only thought being Bella.

Oh how I wished I could take it all back, I knew I was selfish but I didn't care. I thought I was protecting her but in the end, it is what got her killed. How foolish of me to leave her unprotected, right where Victoria and Laurent had returned too. I blamed myself for her death, even knowing that she was killed by Victoria. I tried to blame her, but in the end, only I was to blame.

I returned to the present, not realizing that I was seated outside Charlie Swan's old house. Her enticing scent still lingered faintly in the air, my dead heart clenching at the smell.

Once I made sure no one was around or in sight, I walked up the gravel driveway. I stopped and crouched, my hands tracing the spot where her truck used to be situated. I looked around, peering through the windows. The interior was changed, but Charlie's scent still remained lingering in the air, smelling a bit like Bella's intoxicating freesia scent, a scent that had brought me weak to the knees.

I climbed up the side of the house, spotting Bella's old room window. A dry sob escaped my lips before I could stop myself and I hung my head, slowly bringing myself upwards to peek into the window.

I smiled slightly as I saw the window was unlocked, just like she had done all those years ago. I pushed up the window, Bella's sweet scent growing stronger. Her room had been changed, but I remembered every detail. Venom pooled in my eyes and another dry sob threatened to escape my lips. I swallowed the lump in my throat, regaining my composure as I peered around the room, remembering all the time Bella and I had shared in this room.

I traced the wall, tracing the spot I had flung into when we shared our first kiss. I touched my lips, remembering the feeling of our lips connected. Her intoxicating scent filling my senses, the warmth radiating from her body, the thumping of her exquisite heartbeat, the blush painting her rosy cheeks . . .

I shook my head, rubbing my temples in frustration. I was cursed with this existence, cursed to remember every moment we spent together, every kiss we shared. It was a pain beyond imaginable. Nothing would be worse than this pain that I was cursed to spend the rest of existence with.

I sighed, resting my head in my hands before inhaling, her sweet scent filling my nostrils. Only a small amount of her scent remained and I wanted to savor it, remember every moment.

My lips tightened into a pained smile as I remembered a moment we shared, her beautiful laugh filling the air.

I turned around, peering outside the window. It was beginning to grow dark. I hadn't realized how much time I had spent reminiscing of the past moments that I had spent with my Bella. I gave the room one last glance before jumping out of the windowsill.

The ground shook slightly as my marble feet connected with it. I quickly rushed home, taking in the scenery surrounding me.

In a few minutes, I had arrived home, thanks to my enhanced vampire speed. I smiled sadly, hearing the excited chatter of Alice as Jasper listened intently to his mate, a goofy grin on his face as he shared her excitement. A bright smile would have spread across my face if it weren't for the circumstances.

I pushed open the glass door slowly, careful not to make too much noise.

"Do something bad, Eddie" Emmett shouted, his loud voice echoing throughout the room.

I scowled, a small smile dancing across my pale face. "Shut up, Emmett"

Emmett put his hands up in surrender, a playful smile across his lips. "I'm just joking Edward!" he exclaimed.

I walked up the stairs slowly, staring at my piano for a moment before walking up the stairs at a human pace, remembering the time I had given Bella a tour of the upstairs.

Carlisle was working in his office, his nose scrunched up as he stared at a paper in concentration, Esme sitting by his side, staring at him with adoration and love.

I smiled sadly before walking towards my room, opening the door. I picked out a CD from my massive collection and shoved it into the CD player, the music playing throughout my room. I laid back on my Barcelona couch, staring at the books scattered throughout my room before returning my gaze to the outside, contemplating whether I should open the doors or not.

I decided against it, burrowing myself further into my white Barcelona couch, wishing that I could sleep to escape the painful thoughts of my only love, wishing that I could hold her tight in my embrace and hold her for all eternity.

𝐀 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 | 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (slow updates)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora