𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟑 (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕)

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Bella and I gasped as we watch William fall through the air, growing closer and closer to the water. Bella immediately charged at Victoria, gaining the upper hand and smashing her fist repeatedly in Victoria's face. 

"Should we stop her?" Emmett questioned, crossing his burly arms over his chest. 

I ignored Emmett's question, watching Bella with adoration and love. She was simply breathtaking.

My satisfaction grew as I heard the sickening metallic screech as Victoria's head was torn clean off. I hesitantly walked over to my Bella, holding back a gasp as her freesia scent assaulted my enhanced senses. 

She spun around, facing me with determination shining in her eyes. She faced Jacob for a moment, both of them holding a silent conversation before Bella tore off her jacket and shoes, dumping them on the ground. 

She faced the cliff, peering over the edge and shuddering. 

"Bella," Carlisle spoke. "What are you doing?"

She pressed her lips in a thin line. "I have to save my son," she said. "I did it once. I can do it again," she muttered. 

"Bella-" I began but was cut off as she jumped off the cliff. 

My eyes widened as I watched her fall gracefully towards the water. I had to admit, it was a sight that shocked me. A familiar anxiety welled up in me, one that I felt when my Bella was in harm's way. 

I immediately tore off my shirt and shoes, only remaining in my black pants. 

"Be careful Edward" Carlisle and Esme whispered simultaneously. 

"I will," I whispered, giving them a grateful nod. 

I jumped off the cliff, shutting out the painful memories that flooded into my mind. My only goal was my Bella and William. It was selfish of me to call her mine, knowing that something could've changed over these years that we had spent apart. The thought pained me but I brushed it away. I would have time to think about all this later.

Cold embraced me like an old friend, the air sucked out of my lungs, and I prepared myself for the worst, fearing that William was dead. 

Bella, holding William tightly in her arms, was swimming towards the surface. Her eyes widened as she saw me and she froze for a moment before she broke through the surface of the water. 

I sat besides her in the chilled water, swimming to shore alongside her. Her beautiful face wore a deep frown and concern was obvious in her eyes as she stared down at William's pale face and blue lips. 

I emerged from the water, climbing onto shore and sitting alongside Bella. I let out a sigh of relief as I heard his heartbeat thumping in his chest. He was alive. 

"Bella, is he going to be alright?" I questioned, masking my nervousness and concern.

"He'll be ok," she whispered, not meeting my gaze as I stared intently at her. I could've cried from happiness as I heard her voice. She was real. She was alive. She was not some figment of my imagination. 

"Are you alright?" I asked, controlling my urge wrap her in my tight embrace. 

She pressed her lips in a thin line, adamantly avoiding my gaze. "I'm alright."

I nodded uncertainly before fixing my gaze on William. His chest heaved and fell, but he was alive. That's all that matters. 

Bella's head snapped up as she heard footsteps coming our way. I internally sighed in relief as I realized it was just my family. 

"Bella," Carlisle said, struggling to keep the strong emotion he felt out of his voice. "Would you like to take William back to our home?"

Bella nodded, crossing her arms over her chest and glancing between us. "Whatever is best for William," she said, running a hand through her mahogany hair.

Bella shifted on her feet as Esme smiled warmly at her. I could tell she was nervous. "Do you want me to carry him?" Jasper offered.

"No," Bella replied, shaking her head. "I can carry him."

She walked over and gazed at William lovingly before picking his limp body off the cold ground and cradling him in her arms. She sighed softly before running towards our home. I watched her, amazed and stunned, before running after her, a crooked grin stretched across my lips.

Bella was alive . . .

𝐀 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 | 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now