Chapter 2 - Mission

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Woah another update! It's basically just a bunch of travelling.

"You ready to go?" Obito asked.

"Yeah." Kakashi double checked everything mentally before he shut the door to his and Obito's shared room.

"Onwards, then." They walked through the corridors soundlessly. It was early, earlier than the others would normally be up.

Kakashi didn't miss waking up at 3am for missions.

The halls were silent, any sound came from outside.

The building that Kakashi's unit was in was one of several. There were around 5 in Tokyo, 2 in Chiba and Shizuoka. Probably more in the other 7 regions that weren't taken by the villains.

Looking at things logically, the villain population would have to be spread very thin. It wasn't like there were millions of villains before the evacuation. Even with the Edo Tensei, there still wouldn't have been all that many because villains weren't normally buried since their family members were usually unavailable for one reason or another.

Saying goodbye to Aizawa and Hizashi was a quiet affair. They were both tired, but they'd gotten up anyway, despite Kakashi's repeated assurance that they didn't have to.

It didn't take Obito and Kakashi long to get out of Tokyo into Chiba. They entered Chiba from Edogawa by using the Kyuedo river to get across. The Kyuedo river is connected to the Edogawa river and there's a gate with a bridge that separates them. The bridge wasn't damaged by the fighting so they ended up using that to get to Chiba. After that bridge, there's a second one they crossed to get into Chiba.

They didn't spend long in Chiba, there was no reason to stay very long. It had already been reclaimed, so the streets were barren with the exception of the patrols that wandered the street and the officials at the border who'd been informed of their arrival.

Entering through Edogawa meant it would take longer to get to Ibaraki, since they were basically the farthest they could've been from the border.

Moving through Chiba was simple. They didn't meet any interruptions so travel was easy. Chiba was still quite large, so it took them the better part of an hour to get to the border.

The border was out in a more rural part of Chiba, they'd left the large cityscape a while back. Chiba wasn't as futuristic as Tokyo. There were still large skyscrapers, but they were few and far between. There were more houses instead of large apartment complexes and the further from Tokyo they got, the more the quantity of buildings began to decrease.

To get from Chiba to Ibaraki, there's a small river, the Tone River, that they need to cross. They left early and the sun still wasn't up by the time they reached the border, if they'd taken any more time, they would've had to wait until the sun set once again. The river was in plain sight, there was nothing but the darkness to stop them from being spotted.

The JSDF patrolled the border line and a woman stopped Kakashi and Obito from passing.

"You can't cross here." The woman said.

"We have our identification." Obito replied.

"With the military?" She raised an eyebrow and picked up a piece of paper. "Huh, I guess so. Identification numbers?"

"Hatake Kakashi, 0915317S2."

"Uchiha Obito, 0210317S4."

"Go on ahead. I'll notify your superiors of your arrival." She pressed a button and the large gate door opened. "There's a little boat at the bottom, take it across."

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