Chapter 11 - Why Are You Here?!

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'Oh you've gotta be kidding me!' Kakashi sighed. "Obito, now really isn't a good time. If you want to fight me, could you wait until I handle this?"

"Fight you? Why would I- oh. Right, that. Yeah I'm not interested in fighting you." At Kakashi's confused glare, he elaborated. "After I got out of the pocket dimension, Naruto beat the shit out of me and made me see the errors in my ways. I don't really expect you to forgive me though- Kakashi? You okay?"

"Yeah... yeah I'm fine." Kakashi nodded slowly.

"So... introductions?" Aizawa asked.

"Right. I'm Uchiha Obito... and that... that's Shukaku." Obito sighed, and pointed to the dust cloud. On cue, a rock came flying in their direction. "Huh. He's usually worse than this. I wonder what's up?"

"Of course it is." Kakashi mumbled, ignoring Obito's last comment. "So, what do we do?"

"What do you mean we?" Aizawa laughed. "You are going to go back to the school while the heroes handle this."

"With all due respect, stand back. We've done this before." Obito grinned.

'You just had to come here and blow my cover, didn't you?' Kakashi thought bitterly.

"Come on, we can talk about our feelings after we get this over with."

The fight with Shukaku was much harder than Naruto made it out to be. When Naruto and Sasuke had fought Shukaku, they emerged with non fatal injuries. As Kakashi and Obito fought Shukaku, their injuries were getting worse and worse, though Obito didn't have a scratch on him because of Kamui, he looked exhausted.

"I haven't had a fight like this since Kaguya!"

"That isn't really a good thing." Kakashi muttered.

"I think he's calming down!" Obito laughed.

"Oh good, you're still a little insane." Kakashi said dryly. He was brought out of his musings by a loud roar.

"Fuck you all! I'll kill every last one of you and dance on your graves! I'll get that fucker Kabuto to revive you little shits so I can kill you again-"

"So... what do we do now?" Obito sighed.

"-The nerve of you fucking humans! Always getting in the way-"

"I mean, he's sort of human now." Kakashi shrugged, and poked Shukaku a few times.

"I'll kill you all!"

Shukaku was indeed "sort of human now," he had long black hair tied back in a ponytail, similar to Itachi's; he was wearing a tan tank top with a dark yellow lightning strike through it; a thin, black sweater with yellow buttons and orange needle-work; black cargo pants, and, to top the look off, a khaki beanie.

His face was still tanuki-like and he still had his tail, but the rest of him was human.

"Okay, Shukaku, you're gonna need to calm down." Kakashi sighed.

Shukaku growled, but put a lid on the killing intent. "I hate you."

"Glad to hear it, now, why are you here? Why are you both here?" Kakashi sighed, already mentally preparing for the bullshit about to come out of their mouths.

"Why the fuck not?" Shukaku shrugged.

"Oh y'know, I was saving a little old lady from a tree and helping cats cross the street." Obito shrugged.

"You... okay, I'm calling bullshit."

"Call it what you want, doesn't matter to me. The important thing is, that we're both here now." Obito sighed.

"Are you dead, or alive? Pick one and fucking stick with it Obito."

"Look I'm sorry-"

"As you should be! Damn it Obito! You can't just- goddamn it." Kakashi forced back tears.

"I know." Obito laughed darkly, and Kakashi didn't bother to hide his flinch.

"I hate you."

"That's okay." Obito nodded.

"You're supposed to be dead."

"But I'm not."

"Konoha is gone now. We can't go back."

"We're stuck here." Obito agreed.

"Why are you agreeing with everything I say?!"

"Because I'm an asshole."

"...I hate you." Kakashi repeated.

"That's okay."

Kakashi paused. "No... I don't...." He breathed sharply and ran his hands through his hair. "I don't hate you."

"You should." Obito sat down on a rock.

"But I can't." Kakashi sat next to him.

"Wow. That was moving. I would clap, but I'm stuck in that idiot's mokuton." Shukaku said. They then heard the sound of sirens coming from outside the building.

"Shukaku, if anyone asks, you were teleported here by a group of villains who call themselves The League-- shitty name, I know-- and your power is unstable, and you lose control in stressful situations."

"And why the fuck should I listen to you?"

"Unless you want to spend your days rotting away in a prison cell, I suggest you listen to me, after that, do whatever you want." Kakashi retorted, then he turned to Obito, "Make something up."

"Why'd you make him an alibi?!" Obito whined.

Kakashi glared at him, "Don't think that just because I don't hate you, I've forgiven you for all this bullshit." He then walked away to go talk with Aizawa and the police.


The talks went well; Shukaku's a great actor apparently. Obito struggled slightly, but he figured it out eventually.

Shukaku was still talking to the police about his Quirk, while Obito and Kakashi spoke elsewhere.

"You know I'm not going to stay here." Obito sighed.

"I do." Kakashi nodded. "Where will you go?"

"I figured it would be fun to travel the world, I haven't traveled in a while. The other times I was To- the other guy." Kakashi hummed, but didn't say anything. Obito continued, "This place looks really different from Ame and Konoha."

"There's a lot of new information here." Kakashi agreed. "Their computers are more advanced."

Obito was silent. "I know that it's probably too late for this, and I really should've done this when I arrived. But... I really am sorry. About everything. I wish it didn't turn out this way, and I'm sorry about what happened in the pocket dimension. I... never meant to injure you that badly. I thought you would get up like always, but you didn't, and I-"

"Obito." Kakashi interrupted, Obito's head shot up. "It's okay, actually... I like it here."

"You do?!" Obito asked incredulously, Kakashi laughed. "Wh-what? Why are you laughing?"

"You still make the same faces." Kakashi grinned.

"Sh-shut up!" Obito snapped, his cheeks tinged pink.

Kakashi took a breath. "Come back, okay?" He immediately looked away.

Obito smiled and chuckled. "Yeah!"

He was full of life. Life Kakashi thought he'd lost.

But it was still there, and above all else, that was all that mattered; he was alive.

Short and sweet! We're approaching the end of Part 1, but fear not! There will be more parts! There'll be one or two more chapters after this, then a short break before Part 2! Thank you so much for your continued support, all your comments mean a great deal to me, and I read every one of them! You guys are all hilarious!


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