Chapter 2.1 - Omake 1

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As an apology for forgetting, here's an Omake! Thank you to @holtk1295 for the idea!

This isn't really canon, just a fun idea I saw so I decided to write it!

Aizawa's class was strict, everyone knew that.

He was especially strict about phones in class. Meaning, if your phone went off, and it wasn't an emergency (emergency meaning someone died or was in the hospital), you had to put the call on speaker for everyone to hear.

Kakashi, while being a genius, would also forget things. Like putting his phone on silent.

So here they were, in the middle of a lesson when Kakashi's phone goes off. It's a call from Obito.

Aizawa raises an eyebrow and says, "Well, what are you waiting for? Answer it." The class turns and looks at him. Kakashi sighs and puts the phone on speaker.

"Obito? What do you-"

"Kakashiiiiiiiii! I'm sowwyy!" He slurs.

"Obito, what-"

"I'm sowwy about Madawa. An'... an' Tobi... an' Minato... an' Sas'ke-"

The class is completely silent.

"-an' Gaara, an' Naruto, an' Rin!" Obito begins to cry and Kakashi has never felt so embarrassed in his life. He's a shinobi though, so he handles it calmly.

"How many bottles of sake?" He mutters.

"1... maybe 2... or 3... or 4... could've been... wait...." Obito starts to count from one to ten slowly. "10!"

"Aizawa sensei, may I put the call off speaker?" Kakashi asks.

"Who'ssssss Aizawa? Are you CHEATING ON ME?!" Obito screeches, then he sobs, "I knew I should've come baaack! Isssss this because of the war? I'm sowwy!"

"Obito, I'll call you back." Kakashi hangs up and sits down. The class is eerily silent until he says, "Well, on with the lesson."

The class, with their jaws still wide, gradually turn around to face the board. Aizawa sighs and continues with the lesson.

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