Chapter 10 - It Hurts

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Trigger Warning: Torture (I'm sorry Kakashi)

I'll put a T;LDR at the bottom for anyone who skipped.

This chapter hurted me. I'm so sorry for this.

Kakashi woke up feeling very uncomfortable. The memories of the previous night flooded into his mind.

There was so much pain Kakashi didn't know whether he should burst into tears or try to kill himself to end it all. He was incapable of doing either.

He faintly heard the sounds of a knife sharpening and a blowtorch. Kakashi would have sighed if he didn't think his lung was about to collapse.

"Not so smug now huh?" Shigaraki asked. Kakashi could hear the giddiness in his tone. "There will be punishment for hurting Master like you did."

Kakashi felt heat nearing his chest, he already knew exactly what was going to happen before they did it, but that didn't make the pain any less.

The hot blade carved his skin quickly, easily and painfully. He didn't know what they were writing on his skin, he couldn't really tell, but it was only a few letters, so it should've been over quickly.

But it wasn't. Shigaraki dragged it out, every slice took too many seconds, and each hurt worse than the last.

Once he was done, Kakashi found himself trying to gasp for air, but he couldn't. He desperately tried not to panic.

Kakashi had been tortured before, he'd also done the torturing, he liked neither.

His limbs stung with chakra exhaustion, and the rest of him hurt in different ways.

Someone else entered the room, a woman? She walked up to Kakashi and seemed to bend over in front of him. He could only tell because her scent was getting closer.

They covered his left eye with an eye patch, and he opened his right eye. He scanned the area around him.

They were in a small, dark room with one door, Kakashi recognized the familiar smell of the alcohol at the bar. They were in a side room, he deduced.

The woman in front of him was holding a flashlight and she shone it at him. "So you're the guy Shigaraki hates? Jesus kid, what did you do?"

Kakashi narrowed his eyes at her.

"Right right, you can't talk." She sighed. "Look, I'm really sorry about this kid, but... life sucks ass, so it is what it is." She put her hands over his eyes, removed the gag, and then left.

Kakashi's eye darted around to see what she'd done, what she'd changed.

There was someone else in the room now, they had no scent which was weird. The person walked forward and put their hand on Kakashi's cheek.

"Ka... ka... shi."


He felt liquid drip onto his leg, probably blood. The lights in the room turned on.

Rin was standing in the center of the room with a gaping hole in her chest. Arms reached up from the ground to pull her under. She screamed and grabbed his legs desperately, trying not to disappear. Eventually, she was sucked into the ground.

In her place was Obito.

He was standing lifelessly, and strings appeared from each of his limbs. He walked towards Kakashi mechanically.

"I'm going to be Hokage... one... day...." His voice broke off towards the end, and he collapsed in a pool of his own blood.

Obito's body morphed into his fathers.

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