Chapter 13 - Childish

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When Kakashi woke up again, Aizawa was sitting on the couch across from his bed looking over papers.

"You're up." He said, looking up from the sheets. Aizawa was wearing glasses and his hair was up in a bun.

"Y-" Kakashi stopped mid-sentence. There were cuts all over the inside of his mouth and over his lips. He looked at his hands and found them covered in scrapes from his nails.

He cleared his throat and spoke again. "Yes."

"I know you probably don't want to talk about this, but what happened yesterday?"

"Did he-I say anything?" Kakashi asked. He couldn't remember if he did end up losing control.

Aizawa hesitated. "You asked us to leave, nothing more."

Kakashi blinked. That was... a lot better than what normally happened. "Oh...."

Aizawa waved him off. "It's fine, but what happened to you?"

Kakashi sighed. He knew that Goto was already on the right track to figure out parts of his past, so he would have to answer this question eventually. He just figured he'd have a little more time before then. "I don't want to say it here, but I'm fine now. I can tell you when we get back... home." If Kakashi struggled with the last word, Aizawa didn't comment on it.

"Okay." Aizawa sighed. "Oh, Nezu fixed your documents so that you actually exist, but 'Zashi and I now have legal custody over you." Aizawa said. He didn't seem upset over the legal custody, in fact, he almost seemed worried that Kakashi wouldn't like it.

Strangely enough, Kakashi was fine with it. It would be annoying at times, but how would this be different from their original arrangement?

Kakashi wanted to say it was okay, but his breath caught in his throat. Did accepting this mean that he was leaving everything else behind? Was he cementing his place in this society? How long could he stay here before he inevitably had to leave?

"Kakashi?" Aizawa's calm voice snapped him out of his daze.

"A-ah. Thank you." He nodded. Was it okay for him to act like this? Could he just... integrate himself into these people's lives? After everything he'd done. All the lives he'd cut short, could he?

Well, it couldn't hurt to try, right?


Kakashi was discharged from the hospital a day later, and he decided that he could tell Aizawa and Hizashi at least a little bit about what his life had been like.

The three of them were sitting in the living room. Kakashi was sitting on an armchair, and Hizashi and Aizawa were on the couch.

He wasn't really sure how to start the conversation, so he told them to ask questions.

"Who is Obito?" Aizawa asked.

What a wonderful start.

"Obito and I were on a team together when we were younger, his right side was crushed by a boulder when we were children, and I thought he died. Turns out he didn't." Kakashi shrugged, hoping his voice hadn't wavered through his story. "I found out he was alive recently actually, when he tried to kill me."

"Why did he try to kill you?" Aizawa's voice was a mix of confused and possibly horrified. Kakashi guessed he was also seeing the similarities between their lives.

"Because I broke a promise I made." Kakashi sighed.

Aizawa and Hizashi were quiet for a bit.

"Who's Minato?" Hizashi asked.

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