Chapter 4 - Tune In Next Time, If There Is One

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Is... this a double update? And an actual chapter that advances the plot?

I don't think I need to put a trigger warning here, do I? Eh, who knows. Either way, Kakashi has some flashbacks and it's not a happy time.

"And we're back on air in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

"Welcome back to JNN news. Today, we're listening to Dabi, or Todoroki Touya's story, as he tells us of life in the Todoroki household."

"Thank you." Dabi nodded. "Though I lost against Endeavor, because of course I did, I was a 15 year old against a pro hero, he-" Dabi stopped. No, no he couldn't do this here. He had to finish the interview. "Sorry." He muttered.

"It's alright, take your time."

Dabi cleared his throat. No one was choking him. He was fine. "During the fight he choked me, as one does to their 15 year old." He muttered the last bit.

The woman smiled sadly.

"It wasn't enough to choke me out without his Quirk, apparently. Hence, burns on my face." Dabi says, not without malice.

"I see. The... staples... are those necessary?"

"Yeah. My fucking face falls apart without them."

"Is there anything else you would like to add about... Mr. Todoroki." She carefully doesn't say "Endeavor." Endeavor is a hero name. Todoroki Enji is not a hero.

Dabi sniffs. "Fuck you, Dad."

Shukaku does not giggle.

~1 hour into the Provisional Licensing Exam~

After the interview, the news didn't move off of Todoroki Sr.. Instead, they now showed clips of him interacting with fans, data from his fights (property damage, civilian injury/mortality rates, things like that), they denounced the hero ranking system, saying that "heroes should not be decided by how many crimes they stop. A hero is someone people can look up to, and trust that their decisions in the heat (All puns intended) of the moment won't cause them harm.

The service was cut out, and students were told not to listen to the news. Todoroki was still unaware of what had just happened because he only just arrived. The students were also told not to pester Todoroki by their respective teachers, and if they were to see any foul play, the student(s) responsible would not be getting their licenses today.

Eventually, the first phase of the test was over.

The next phase would be rescue practice.

Kakashi had done his fair share of rescuing due to all the disasters and invasions that hit Kohona, so he figured that this would be easy.

And it was. They worked together easily enough, Kakashi shunshined around, picking up people as he went. Well, that was until his entire body jerked forwards and spasmed.

His arm pulsed with pain and he fell to his knees.

Todoroki stopped what he was doing and looked over. "Kakashi!"

"Todoroki, I need you to completely ice my upper right arm." Kakashi instructed.

"Are you sure?" Todoroki asked. "You might get frostbite."

Kakashi clicked his tongue. This pain was only temporary, he couldn't risk his whole arm.

"You're right." Kakashi said finally. He was about to say something more when the ground shook.

The buzzer for the exam sounded, signalling the end, but the ground didn't stop shaking.

"Earthquake?" Midoriya asked. "We haven't had one of those in a while... even so we're easily able to predict them... something's wrong."

This is BullshitOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora