Chapter 6 - Cut Your Losses

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I wanted to show some of Kakashi's thinking, most of the thoughts that you see in this chapter take place in a matter of seconds. I hope it isn't too wordy.
I'm also writing and publishing this on my phone, so please excuse any formatting or spelling errors. I tried my best. I'll fix it when I get my computer back.

Kakashi stepped onto the main platform and looked Shinsou up and down. His Quirk probably wasn't very flashy, not very combat oriented or both. He was the one to make the declaration earlier that week, so Kakashi knew he wanted to get into the hero course, but his Quirk wasn't well suited for him and he hadn't done very much other training.

Since his Quirk wasn't combat oriented, that left Kakashi with a few other options. It was a mental thing, requiring touch, sound, eye contact, smell, or a combination of the senses. If it was smell, then he hadn't activated it at all yet so Kakashi didn't smell anything amiss, eye contact, touch or sound were the three most likely ones, and the latter two were relatively easy to avoid. The first one, not so much.

In the event that he wasn't a mental thing, then Kakashi figured he probably had something else up his sleeve, Shinsou was in Gen. Ed, so he hadn't brought any gadgets or weapons.

Another option for a Quirk was something mental that aided him instead of harming others, meaning he had an intelligence based Quirk, a good battle sense, or both.

Kakashi channeled Chakra into his ears to block out all sounds, and readied himself for a good fight. He'd have to beat him without touching him, so jutsu it was.

Though, he did have to heed Aizawa's words and only use Kamui or the Chidori. He already used a Doton jutsu and a katon jutsu earlier, so he had those too.

The match began, and Shinsou started to speak.

'So it was sound oriented, though there's still a possibility that there's something else.' Kakashi eye-smiled, tapped his ears, and shrugged. He lipread Shinsou saying goddamn it.

'So that's it?' Kakashi charged forwards and chose to give him a taste of his own medicine. He put him under a genjutsu and Shinsou walked out of the ring.

That was very easy, but that didn't matter, Todoroki and Bakugou would be more difficult.

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu fought. It was close for a long time, but Kirishima won in the end. Kakashi assumed it was because Kirishima had more experience, but he didn't really know, he wasn't paying attention.

Uraraka and Todoroki fought next, Todoroki won in a matter of minutes. There was nothing for Uraraka to touch there other than herself and Todoroki, but she could never get close enough to activate her Quirk, so Todoroki just froze her, then won the match.

Midoriya fought Iida and won because he got Iida to walk out of the ring. Kakashi knew why he didn't use his Quirk, but something about it pissed him off. He'd have to look into that more later.

Tsu and Ojirou were next, the fight was very close, but Tsu ultimately won because she had more mobility and options for long ranged attacks.
The next fight was Yaoyorozu against Tokoyami. The match was close, but Yaoyorozu figured out that Tokoyami's Quirk lessened in strength whenever it was near a bright light, so she created a flashlight, then Dark Shadow disappeared.

Bakugou was up against Juzo. Juzo's Quirk was strong, he had gotten in on recommendation after all, but his Quirk and Bakugou's didn't mix well. Juzo would soften the ground, and Bakugou would use his explosions to get away, then get closer to him. The fight was practically predetermined.
The last fight was between Monoma and Kaminari. Monoma wasn't very strong physically, but he was quick, quicker than Kaminari anyways. Kaminari quickly went to his voltage limit trying to land a hit, then he was incapacitated. It was an easy win for Monoma.

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