Chapter 6 - Irritation

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All of your kind comments are so nice! What the heck guys? Thank you so much! 

So here's another chapter! Because I really liked this one and the next one, and they kind of go hand in hand, I'm gonna post them both! Then pray that I can finish another chapter between today and Friday!

Kakashi found Mineta and Aoyama almost immediately, and stood in front of them.

"You're pretty cocky, facing the two of us alone." Mineta scoffed. Kakashi didn't say anything, and just stared at them through his mask. He let some of his killing intent out, and they both stiffened.

"Cocky? No, I don't think so. Perhaps... confident, is what I would use." Kakashi's voice was cold and harsh, the two were clearly startled by it. 'And this would be why I miss ANBU... except I don't.'

"Confident in what? There's no way you can face two of us alone."

"See that's where you're wrong." Kakashi began walking towards them. "Even if you could move, there's no point if," Kakashi disappeared, "you can't see me." and reappeared behind them. "Villains aren't going to wait for you to respond to their attacks, and they aren't going to be nice about it." Kakashi punched Mineta in the gut, holding back his strength; he didn't want to kill him. 

Mineta coughed and emptied the contents of his stomach.

"Q-quoi-" Aoyama's sentence was cut short by a kick to his torso, and a chop to the neck, which knocked him out.

"Villains also," Mineta had gotten back up and he was standing on shaky legs "won't use capture tape." Kakashi finished, and knocked Mineta out. He felt some grim satisfaction after he'd won, he knew they'd fear him afterwards, it had been a long time since anyone had cowered in fear of him. Not to say it wasn't a welcome change, but there were certain things about it that one could miss. Like the cowering.

The room was silent until All Might announced their victory. Kakashi stepped over the unconscious children, and left the building. When Iida had joined them, they went over their match, pointing out the flaws of the hero team.

"You shouldn't have gone alone." Yaoyorozu said.

"Oh? And why is that?" Kakashi asked.

"You could have been injured, it was foolish to attack them by yourself without a solid plan."

"What makes you think I didn't have a plan?" Kakashi didn't like being looked down on, especially not by someone "his age."

"You were reckless." She argued.

"If I was in any real danger, do you think I would have done what I did?"

"I don't know. Maybe you would have."

"Exactly. Which is why it would be better to understand the full situation before" Kakashi knew he was being childish, but Aizawa had told him that he was allowed to act his age, so now seemed like the perfect opportunity. Besides, he was a teacher, why not teach these kiddies some important lessons for the future?

"Yaoyorozu is right, you know."

"All Might. If you were in a situation where you were in a team of two, and were required to protect something, would you have waited for the enemy to find what they were looking for, would you try to find them with your teammate, and risk the capture of said object, or would you go and try to take at least one down so your teammate could fight the other one?"

"W-well I-"

"You're probably thinking that it's different for you, seeing as you're a pro, but the students here are my age, they aren't real heroes yet, and I was already vaguely aware of their abilities due to the Quirk assessment. Had I required help, I would have asked Iida." Kakashi suppressed a grin. The look on All Might's face was priceless. It was almost worth going through all the trouble of talking some sense into him. Almost. 

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