Chapter 5.5 - Omake: In Which, Kakashi Opens A Business

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I figured I'd give you a long-ish oneshot while you wait for the finale to be completed! This isn't edited, so feel free to point out any mistakes haha.

Kakashi landed in BNHA slightly older in this one, around 16-17.

Kakashi put away the last file for the night and stepped back. He took the trash out before locking up his office for the evening.

"Leaving, boss?" His new head of security (not that he really needed one), Fukushima Naoko asked.

"Yep. No one in or out, Fukushima-san." Kakashi instructed.

"Even if it's you, Hatake-buchou?" She wondered.

"Yep. Even if it's me." Kakashi twirled his keys around his finger and bid her goodnight.

The walk from his office back to his apartment wasn't a long one and it was something he'd gotten used to over the past couple months. The large buildings were new, but weren't difficult to navigate.

It was around 11 PM when he usually left work and it was a 10-15 minutes walk back.

His keys jangled in his pocket as he went up the stairs 2 steps at a time, the overhead lights flickering.

Someone ought to give maintenance to those poor lights, Kakashi thought.

The building had an elevator but it was out of order from 10 PM to 5 AM because of how much noise it made. You could hear the thing clanking up and down the elevator shaft from everywhere in the building.

At that point, Kakashi was beginning to make more than enough money to move to a nicer part of town, but he doubted any of the places this close to where he worked would be within his price range. His current apartment had been a stroke of good luck.

He made himself a quick meal and put some food and water in a couple bowls for his ninken for when they would return later that night.

He sat down to relax for a bit when his phone rang. It was the night secretary, Chisaka Wakako. Kakashi sighed and picked up the phone.

"Chisaka-san! I'm so glad you called." He wasn't that glad but the case he was working on was rather important.

"Yes, Hatake-buchou, thank you. I've found the person Eguchi-san's son was staying with. A man Takao Umanosuke, possible romantic relationship with our client's son. Quirk seems to be something related to being able to make an exact copy of any piece of art he sees. Extensive criminal record in regards to copyright infringement, plagiarism, forgery, and theft."

"Ah, that does create a problem, doesn't it?"

"Yes, buchou. It does." She sighed. "However, it also poses a solution, that is, if you'd be willing."

"Chisaka-san, we've known each other for quite a bit, I don't think it's necessary to ask me these things anymore, hm?" Kakashi chided lightly. She was, of course, talking about blackmail.

You see, Kakashi worked as a private investigator, of sorts. Private investigator was a broad term, but Kakashi's budding company did a variety of things.

His most recent case was given to him by one Eguchi Saki. A kind, old woman who was a bit stuck in her ways. Kakashi figured he should withhold the information of her son's possible romantic relationship until she could speak to her son about it in person.

She had been worried about her son, Eguchi Mahiro, who had been leaving late at night and disappearing for days on end. She contacted Kakashi's company, Hatake Family and Personal Consultation (which was beginning to get quite the reputation for a job well done), when her son hadn't returned for 2 weeks.

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