Chapter 8 - Fussing Over Phone Calls, A Riveting Tale By Kakashi Hatake

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This chapter is a mess. I'm a mess. Sleep who?

After a lot of debating, it seemed the school had decided to implement a dorm system for all students due to the recent attack. Everyone had been moved to the new system and the rooms had been set up. They were all allowed to return to their houses for one day each weekend, and parents were free to come into the dorms as long as they called beforehand.

Mineta had decided to transfer to general studies because he decided he wasn't ready to be a hero. The rest of the class was left very shaken by what had happened at the Provisional Licensing Exam. The class understood why he left, but he wasn't missed.

There had been a lot of arguments over who would take the spot. Some argued no one should be allowed to transfer until the next year, others said that if someone could join after the Sports Festival, they could join now.

The general studies course was a mess. Most of the students wanted the opportunity to become a hero and despised their classmates for wanting the same.

Kakashi wanted nothing to do with it. They could argue as much as they wanted, he knew who was most likely to get the spot anyway.

Kakashi sighed and thought back to his brief chat with Shukaku in the hospital.


"That was one hell of a nightmare." It was Shukaku.

Out of all the people in Japan, Shukaku was the last person he'd expected to see.

Kakashi exhaled heavily.

Shukaku wrinkled his nose. "Are you... alright?"

Kakashi blinked a few times. "You're... asking me." He said flatly.

"Y'know what nevermind. Forget I asked then!" Shukaku growled.

Kakashi stared at him blankly. "What are you doing here?"

"It's the Edo Tensei, isn't it?" Shukaku said in lieu of an answer.

"Yes." Kakashi nodded. "All for One has gained access to Jutsu from our world, I don't know if he has more than just the Edo Tensei."

"Fucking shit. That stupid son of a bitch." Kakashi let Shukaku continue with his rant.

"What are you doing here?" He asked finally.

"I heard you were awake." Shukaku responded simply. "You know you won't be able to face an army of Edo Tensei soldiers on your own, right?"

"Are you offering to help me?" Kakashi raised an eyebrow.

"Oh fuck no. I want nothing to do with this. You should call the other brat." Shukaku examined his nails.

Kakashi sighed. He didn't want to interrupt Obito or make him return from his trip early, but maybe that was his best bet. No one in this world other than the 3 of them really knew what they were getting into. Even All for One probably had no idea what he was getting into.

So, he resolved to call Obito... at some point.

"Welp, I'm out. I've got my own brat to... keep alive."

"You care about him." Kakashi observed. In any other situation he might've teased Shukaku, now he just didn't have the energy.

Shukaku glared at him, but his expression softened. "I guess I do. Don't die, asshole."

Then he was gone and Kakashi was left staring at the pile of sand on the floor.

"At least clean up your own messes." He muttered.

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