Chapter 7 - Can't Catch a Break

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I'm really running low on chapter names here... uh oh....

They began training almost as soon as they got out of the forest.

Other than his short time in the academy, Kakashi had never been so bored in his life. He couldn't train to his full capacity because there were other people here, and that would surely raise questions that he didn't want to answer.

"You look bored." Aizawa said.

"Oh really? However did you manage to guess that?" Kakashi responded dryly.

"Tch, brat." Aizawa mumbled.

Kakashi sighed, and did the sign for a shunshin. He'd only worked alongside Shisui briefly during his time in ANBU and seen how fast he could disappear. He wouldn't leave a trace, which was something even seasoned jounin struggled with.

Kakashi remembered when Shisui had first joined ANBU. They put him through the "initiation" process, not expecting him to have anything special up his sleeve. They were sorely mistaken, and it was hilarious. Though Kakashi didn't laugh at the time (partially because it was strictly forbidden to have fun and also because he was drowning in his grief) but looking back on it always brought a faint smile to his face.


They began preparing dinner at 4PM. Kakashi watched as the children struggled with making the fire. Eventually Todoroki helped them, but it was amusing while it lasted.

"You know, it wouldn't kill you to help them." Aizawa commented.

"Well, no, but look at them." They both looked back at the other students to find Kaminari running around with a flaming stick screaming, Kirishima and Mina chasing after him (also screaming). "Besides, they need to learn to rely on each other."

"Oh? And you don't."

Kakashi was silent for a moment before he turned to face Aizawa. "I don't think I'll be able to work with them properly." He said honestly.


Kakashi shrugged, and walked off, leaving Aizawa to contemplate his words.


Kakashi ate using a genjutsu so he could eat slower. To everyone else, it would look like the food was there, then it wasn't.

He knew he didn't need to wear his mask anymore, but he just felt off without it.

"Here, from Goto." Aizawa handed him a small notebook.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow and looked inside,

Since we won't be able to have our sessions while you're away, I'm giving you this notebook. Just write in it whenever you feel like it, and we can go over it later (we don't have to if you don't want to, but the option is there). I hope you have a good time on your trip!


Kakashi shrugged and stuck the notebook in his pocket.

"Where'd your food go?!" Kaminari asked.

"I ate it." Kakashi eye-smiled. "It was great."

The rest of the class just stared at him before shaking their heads and returning to their food. Kakashi stood up and left to go wander around.

He saw Midoriya talking to the child who reminded him of Inari. It was almost creepy how similar they were.

He listened for a short while before he had to stop himself from coughing up a lung. They were pretty much the same person!

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