Chapter 7.5 - Scars

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This is a filler, but it's also canon to my story, though it likely won't be mentioned.
This takes place after they cook dinner on the first night and are at the onsen.

Kakashi really didn't have the patience to wait for the other children to finish taking their baths to bathe himself.

He didn't really care about hiding his scars. In the shinobi world, scars weren't things to be ashamed of.

So, he relaxed into the water in the bath. It was the calmest he'd felt in a while.

"Hey Kakashi?" Mineta asked when it'd become clear that there was no way to see over the fence and into the girl's bath.

"Hm?" Kakashi didn't open his eyes.

"What's with the tattoo?"

"What?" He asked, hoping that the child would get the hint and bother someone else.

"The one on your shoulder."

"I'm aware of the placement of the tattoo, yes. I was wondering why you asked."

"H-hey, no need to be so harsh, we just want to know more about you." Kirishima said to try and defuse the situation.

"I'll answer any one question you have, just not about the tattoo." He responded.

"Oh, okay." Kirishima nodded.

The boys deliberated for a moment, before Midoriya swam forward. "The scar on your eye...."

"What about it?"

"W-well... it just looks like it went clean through and we were wondering how you still have an eye there becauseitlooksliketheeyeshouldbegone."

"I did lose my eye, this eye belongs to a friend of mine."

"But don't they need that eye?" Kirishima asked cautiously.

"Well, we didn't believe he did at the time, since we thought he was dying. But I believe I said one question."

"R-right...." Kirishima visibly deflated.

Kakashi sighed. "The eye belongs to an old friend of mine, I'd lost my eye previous to his "death" when his right side had been completely crushed. He figured he was dying anyway, so he gave me his eye. This eye contains his Quirk... half of it anyway."

"So... when you reveal it and do techniques... those are all his Quirk?" Ojirou asked.

"Yes and no. His Quirk is that he can copy anything he sees with this eye. In my village, Quirks are- were made differently than the rest of the world, most of them having the same origin and use. The different things you did with that Quirk could usually be taught, learned-"

"And copied!" Midoriya finished.


"So did they all have these eyes then? Wow! Just thinking of all the combinations that could be made with a Quirk that diverse is fascinating! Oh, what's the base? Is it a fire based thing like we've seen you frequently use? No, it's probably basic elementalmanipulationwithafewcoreelementsthatcanbeusedhoweveryouseefit-"

"There was a clan of people specifically that had these eyes, not everyone, and even among the clan the eyes were rare."

"'Was?' What happened to them?" Kirishima asked.

Kakashi sighed. "They're no longer around."

"Oh... was it just the natural order of things... or...."

Kakashi resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "They were massacred. All except 3." That silenced them.

"Oh." Midoriya squeaked.

Kakashi sighed and got out of the bath.

"We didn't mean to make things uncomfortable for you, Kakashi." Midoriya said quickly.

"Maa, maa, what's wrong with being curious? Though, it might be best if you learnt a little tact, your theories weren't exactly wrong. It's been a while since I've talked to someone about the intricacies of my... Quirk, so you could say that the gesture was appreciated."

"A-ah... well feel free to talk to me about your Quirk any time!" Midoriya beamed. Kakashi almost had to look away due to the sheer amount of sunshine emanating from the boy. He nodded and left the onsen.

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