Chapter 2 - Rekindling

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Kakashi stepped into the school for the first time in a little more than 2 weeks. Nothing had changed, but he felt strangely out of place.

No time like the present, he thought as he pulled out the jarringly orange book from within his pocket.

"O-Oh! Kakashi-kun! You're back!" Uraraka bounced up and down. "Where did you go?"

"Family issues." He said shortly, then turned his focus back to his book.

Uraraka took the hint and smiled. "I hope everything was okay." She said and they walked silently. She didn't seem to expect an answer, which was fine, because Kakashi didn't give one.

At some point, Midoriya joined them. Kakashi was 95% certain that Uraraka told him not to bother Kakashi, which he was grateful for.

The door to the classroom slid open, and the three of them stepped into the class. Immediately Kakashi remembered that he hadn't spoken to Bakugou since the incident.

He froze for a second, but kept walking.

He stepped over to where Bakugou was sitting.

Bakugou stood up and looked him dead in the eyes. "You're back." He said.

"I am." Kakashi responded.

"Good." Bakugou paused. "How are your injuries?"

"Perfectly fine now, Recovery Girl-" Kakashi's sentence was cut off by a solid punch to the face.

"I deserved that." Kakashi said, wiping the blood from his nose.

"Damn fucking right you did." Bakugou hissed. His fists were clenched tightly and he seemed furious. Kakashi was a shinobi though, so he could see that the lines of tension in his shoulder were from anger, yes, but also from worry. "Do you have any idea how-" He stopped himself. "Fuck off."

Kakashi breathed sharply and walked to his seat. The class was dead silent, not even Iida said anything.

Aizawa entered the class and did a quick glance around the room. Kakashi figured that he'd guessed what had happened because he sighed and shook his head.

His monotone voice broke the silence. "Finals are coming up. Train your bodies, as well as your minds. As a hero, you can't be falling behind with either. If you manage to pass, you'll be permitted to attend a training camp where each of you will start to get a better grasp of your Quirk. If you need to work on control, this camp will be vital for you." He began to leave, but he stopped. "Bakugou, Kakashi, and Todoroki, see me after school. That's all." He left the room and the class returned to silence.

Mina, thank god, broke the silence with her question, "So! How was everyone's internships?"

At some point, Todoroki stood up and went to talk to Bakugou, Kakashi resisted the urge to read their lips and instead, he just read his book.

When All Might entered, the class went quiet again, as they all awaited his instructions.

He told them to change into their hero outfits and meet him on Field Gamma.

Kakashi would've changed in the boys bathroom, but the ones closest to their class were out of order, and he honestly didn't care to find the other ones.

They were walking towards the change rooms when Kaminari asked, "What was up with you and Bakugou?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Kakashi said dryly.

"Really man? He punched you in the face! If anyone I would've thought he'd punch Midoriya–no offence–you guys always seem so close!"

Kakashi finally looked up from his book and gave Kaminari the blandest look he could muster. "Why are you asking?"

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