Chapter 5 - There are No Benevolent Gods

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Wow! It's not Friday! Isn't that something?
Yeah so I decided to change my update schedule to: Every Friday and whenever I feel like it.
I mean I've got a good 4 chapters stockpiled (including this one) so I'll be fine... right? I hope so. Anyways, here's the chapter!

Kakashi looked up at the green-haired child standing in front of him. 'Why do these children keep trying to speak to me?' "Yes, you are Midoriya Izuku." Kakashi says flatly.

"Do you mind if we sit here?" By 'we' he was referring to the group of children behind him. Among them were the dual haired boy, other Sasuke and infinity-girl.

"Do what you like." Kakashi decided that his best course of action would be to play the cold-hearted, unfeeling asshole.

"Thanks!" The group sat across from him, and Midoriya took the seat next to him. They all began talking about Quirks, heroes and the like. Kakashi tuned them out and focused on his own meal.

"-Quirk?" Midoriya was looking at him now.

"What?" Kakashi asked, letting a bit of his annoyance seep through.

Midoriya was undeterred. "What's your quirk by the way?"

"Reminiscence." Kakashi didn't offer any more information, and they didn't ask. Everyone but Midoriya, who couldn't take a hint.

"Does that have something to do with dogs?"

"Maybe." Kakashi said, standing up. "Excuse me." He muttered, before he cleared his tray, and left the cafeteria.

He could vaguely hear them asking if the others had seen him eat.

Kakashi opted to waiting in the classroom instead of wandering the halls. 'I'm tired.' He thought.

There was about an hour left of lunch, so he decided he would be fine if he took a short nap. He would still be on guard, but he acknowledged that he needed rest. He put his head down on the desk, and drifted off into unconsciousness.

Aizawa entered the room to find Kakashi sleeping on the desk. 'He still looks tense.' He thought with a frown. 'But at least he's sleeping.' Aizawa sighed and sat down at his own desk. He began to go over the lesson plan.

After about 30 minutes, Aizawa noticed that Kakashi's body had become even more tense, and he was shaking slightly. 'Those nightmares of his are really bad....'

Aizawa stood up and tried to wake Kakashi. "Kakashi?" Nothing. Aizawa sighed again. "You need to wake up, you're having a nightmare." Aizawa didn't want to shake him awake, he'd done that once before and it hadn't gone well for either of them, so he just moved the chair slightly.

As soon as he did this, Kakashi's head snapped up and immediately scanned his surroundings, reaching for weapons that weren't there.

Aizawa, being used to this, just waited for him to calm down, and sat across from him.

"Oh... Aizawa sensei."

"Good afternoon." Aizawa hesitated. "I know you don't like talking about them much, but... what are your nightmares about?"

Kakashi's face flashed with an unidentifiable emotion, before returning to normal. 'Should I just tell him? No... why did I even consider that?' "I get memories from my past life in the form of dreams."

"Bad memories, I'm guessing?"

"Sometimes they're good, I think... but then they change." Kakashi said truthfully. Sometimes he'd see Minato and the rest of team 7 smiling happily, about to go on a mission, but then the dream would morph into something gruesome and gory, always a nightmare.

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