23 - A False Article

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It was March 5, 1995.

Ellie sat with Hermione at their usual spot in the library, near the back shelves supporting the thousands of books. Hermione sat at table quietly, a stack of four books beside her as she furrowed her eyebrows at the open page. The Gryffindor had requested that they spend after school in the library, claiming that the two of them both needed to work on their homework. Ellie sat in front of her girlfriend, her feet nonchalantly propped on the chair beside her as she read the latest edition of Witch Weekly.

"Shouldn't you be doing your homework?" Hermione whispered without looking up from her book.

"I can do it later. Shouldn't take that long," Ellie shrugged as she continued to read the magazine.

Ellie turned the page casually, her eyes immediately catching an animated photo of her girlfriend. Bold letters titled the page, reading "Harry Potter's Secret Heartache". Ellie frowned as she quickly skimmed the article, removing her feet from the chair.

"Darling, you're going to want to see this," Ellie warned as she moved to where her girlfriend sat, sliding in the chair next to her.

"I'm reading, Ellie. Not now," Hermione dismissed with a wave of her hand, her eyes still fixated on her own book.

Ellie huffed as she cleared her throat, knowing all too well that it was impossible to make her notice. She sat up straight in her chair in preparation for her announcement.

"Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl," Ellie started as she read the article out loud in broken phrases, causing Hermione to stop her fingers from turning another page. "Seems to have a taste for famous wizards... Harry... Viktor Krum, Bulgarian Seeker and hero of the last Quidditch World Cup... toying with both boys' affections... Krum, openly smitten with the devious Miss Granger... she'd be well-up to making a Love Potion... I think that's how she's doing it."

"Let me see that," Hermione suddenly snapped, setting her own book down to snatch the magazine from Ellie's hands.

Hermione read the article quickly, her anger fuming as she gripped the pages. She set it down on the table rather harshly, her expression morphed into an irritated scowl.

"It's rubbish, that's what it is," Hermione scoffed as she folded her arms over her chest. "How would that wretched lady even know such details?"

"You're angry, aren't you?" Ellie cautioned as she slowly slid the magazine back in front of herself.

"No," Hermione huffed. "I'm not bothered at all. In fact, I'm completely calm."

"We both know that's not true," Ellie commented as she looked at the magazine once more, toying with the edge of the page with her thumb.

"I'm not angry!" Hermione insisted with a harsh whisper. "I'm not bothered by something I know isn't true. Besides, her articles are terribly written. Even I could do better than that."

Ellie hummed as she turned the page once more, her mouth dropping as she saw herself pictured in the next article.

"Hermione... Look at this," Ellie trailed in shock as the Gryffindor tilted her head sideways to see what she was staring at.

The next article was titled "Hufflepuff Heat", its letters prominent across the page. Underneath the words was a snapshot of a distant memory, showcasing her time in the alley. It featured Ellie's back, hands wrapped around them as Hermione's figure was pressed against the wall. The Hufflepuff's hair covered Hermione's face, but it was clear to see their actions through the animated picture. Ellie glanced at the article, reading it in her head as Hermione did the same.

Rumored to be ex-girlfriend of Triwizard heartthrob Cedric Diggory, this daring Hufflepuff was seen snogging a fellow housemate in what seemed to be a secretive meeting. Ellie Evans, a fourth year student pictured below, was caught having a heated moment with another yellow-donned figure in a deserted alleyway near The Three Broomsticks. The figure captured is much shorter than the projected suspect and very much thinner, wearing a Hufflepuff scarf around his neck.

Mister Diggory had reportedly asked Ellie to be his date to the Yule Ball, but the younger student declined quickly. It is unsure of Ellie's reasoning, but one can only speculate that Ellie sought to attend the ball with her secret lover. Diggory then took Cho Chang to the ball, replacing Ellie with a sunken heart. While Miss Evans is elated with her newfound love, we can only imagine how heartbroken the poor champion was during the time of the rejection.

"Oh yeah, [Cedric and Ellie] definitely had something going on," says Hannah Abbott, roommate of Ellie. "It's no wonder she sneaks out all the time. They do the unspeakable nearly every night in who-knows-where. Now she's got another boy wrapped around her finger? Forgive me for my language, but she's nothing but a slag, or what the Americans love to call them: a whore. I wouldn't be surprised if that girl is still seeing Cedric. It'd only prove how vile she really is."

"Love Potions? She's definitely not capable of that," says Susan Bones, another one of Ellie's roommates. "I'm thinking she's brewing something stronger, maybe another potion that seduces these poor boys. Honestly, does she even carry a shred of self-worth?"

Ellie Evans has proved to be an unworthy candidate for Cedric's heart, and the champion seems to be much happier with his now-official girlfriend, Cho. Will their rocky relationship last, or will Ellie continue her reckless ways? Time will only tell, but let's hope Mister Diggory's heartbreak doesn't affect his performances in the final task in June.

"Ellie... is this how your roommates are treating you?" Hermione cooed softly as the Hufflepuff finally set down the magazine.

"It doesn't matter," Ellie brushed off lightly. "I don't care about the article, nor do I care about what my roommates have to say about me."

"I'll take care of your them, Ellie. Let them know it's not okay to be saying such vile things about you," Hermione suggested protectively.

"No, no, I'm fine. Just let it go," Ellie insisted carelessly. "I'm just wondering how this shot was taken. And I don't think it was Malfoy."

"Definitely," Hermione agreed. "And it doesn't make sense why the article just showed up now. I mean, this happened way back in January. Why would Rita publish it so late?"

"Maybe she wanted to spark drama after the second task. Get us all geared up for the third task. Or perhaps she just wants to mess with the champions' heads," Ellie shrugged. "Either way, it shouldn't matter to us. They have no idea who it really was in that picture."

"Thank Merlin my face wasn't captured or I would've hexed that bloody twat," Hermione murmured.

"I would've loved to see that," Ellie grinned in attempt to forget about the article.

Hermione shook her head with a smirk as she returned to her book, drawing away from the situation subtly. Ellie, being too occupied with the thought of Hermione's hexing ability, leaned back in her chair casually as she etched into the table with the tip of her quill.

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