19 - Naps and Nuisances

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It was January 3rd, 1995.

In the days that had passed since their confession, Ellie and Hermione were inseparable. While the majority of the students, including Ellie's roommates, went back home to their families, Hermione and Ellie decided to stay behind to maximize their privacy in their newfound relationship.

Ellie's eyes fluttered open to the setting sun peeking through the curtains, slowly waking her back up. For the first time, her dormitory felt safe without her roommates, though Hermione's presence played a large factor in terms of comfort.

"How was your nap?" Hermione cooed as she set down her book to focus her attention on Ellie.

She had been reading to Ellie just half an hour before, immersed in the book's story. Hearing Hermione's voice had comforted Ellie, and the Hufflepuff soon fell asleep at the sound.

Ellie's head laid in Hermione's lap, the Gryffindor's back pressed against the headboard. Hermione ran her fingers through Ellie's waves, brushing them away from the side of her face.

Ellie simply groaned as she pulled the blanket back over her shoulders, flinging her arm around Hermione's thighs as she turned away from the sunlight.

"You didn't sleep well?" Hermione worried as she slid down in the bed and under the blanket, gently moving beside her so that they were now laying side by side. "Nightmares? What's wrong?"

The gazed into each other's eyes with admiration, sharing equal amounts of stirring infatuation. Hermione stared at the Hufflepuff admirably, the faint freckles that dotted her cheeks barely visible underneath the sun. Though Hermione hadn't experienced anything past the crush zone, Hermione felt a willingness to protect and care for the girl in front of her, despite the newness of their relationship.

"You're adorable," Ellie chuckled lightly as she wrapped her arm around Hermione's waist. "But who in the right mind is cheerful in the morning?"

"Um... me," Hermione frowned.

"Hermione, not everyone has the ability to wake up at five in the morning and put on a smile. You're absolutely crazy, you know that?" Ellie joked.

"Crazy for you," Hermione giggled as she brought her hand to Ellie's cheek, stroking it with her thumb.

Ellie blushed as she leaned in to close the distance between Hermione, gently kissing her lips. She sighed into the kiss as she hooked Hermione's leg over her thigh, deepening the movement. The two had grown quite dependent on each other's touch in the span of just nine days, and the lovers soon found that snogging each other constantly would feed their desires and teenage hormones. Ellie broke away as she licked her lips, smiling at their interaction as the bitter aftertaste of Hermione's coffee stung the edge of her mouth.

"Hermione, there's such things called creamer and sugar, you know. How much coffee have you had to drink?" Ellie mumbled as she touched noses with the Gryffindor.

"I like my coffee plain. Creamer and sugar are terrible things to be adding to such a beautifully crafted beverage. Besides, I had just enough to keep me awake," Hermione answered as her eyes started to droop.

"You're tired? It's like six o'clock in the afternoon," Ellie raised an eyebrow quizzically. "Why didn't you take a nap with me?"

"I would've, but I like watching over you. It puts me at ease to know you're safe. And comfortable of course," Hermione smiled weakly.

"Why don't you take a nap?" Ellie offered. "I'll hold you while you sleep. Make sure you're nice and warm."

"As tempting as that sounds, there's something on my mind," Hermione sighed tiredly. "And it's been keeping me awake. It's... about us, Ellie."

"That doesn't sound good," Ellie drew back almost instantly. "Did I do something?"

"No, no, it's not you," Hermione reassured quickly, cupping Ellie's cheek in response. "As you know, the term starts tomorrow. People are coming back to school."


"Meaning... we can't be together as often. You know we can't be seen together, or even hint being anything more than friends. And we can't be in your dorm anymore. We can't cuddle, we can't take naps together, we can't spend time with each other... and I can't kiss those lovely lips of yours without constantly worrying about being outed."

"Hermione, I'm not out yet either. You know that. But we'll find a way, I promise," Ellie comforted as she gazed deeply into the Gryffindor's eyes.

"But what about Cedric? Or Harry and Ron? What are we going to tell them?"

"Well, let's hope they're supportive if they find out. We can keep it away from them as long as possible," Ellie suggested.

"But how?" Hermione countered with a seemingly defeated expression.

"There's always a solution. Don't stress about it, my love. We'll still be able to be together, okay? Besides, I wouldn't want my girlfriend to be deprived of me."

Hermione's solemn expression suddenly changed into pure elation as her eyes twinkled with glee, her cheeks quickly tinting into a deep shade of red.

"What are you so happy about?" Ellie questioned as she attempted to analyze Hermione's abrupt delight.

"You called me your love and your girlfriend," Hermione beamed widely, her voice giddy and excited.

"Well, that's what you are, right? I mean, unless I'm taking this way too fast, we don't have to be at that official stage yet," Ellie rambled in attempt to save herself from possible rejection.

"No, it's perfect," Hermione whispered with a grin. "I like that title, darling."

"Come here," Ellie invited as she pulled Hermione to her chest. "Take a nap, my love. I'll be here to hold you."

Hermione gladly settled between Ellie's arms, nestling her face just under the Hufflepuff's chin.

"I wish we could stay like this forever," Hermione mumbled as she felt herself start to fall asleep, the feeling of Ellie's embrace instantly soothing her nerves.

"I know, Hermione. Me too," Ellie countered with a whisper as she placed a kiss on the top of Hermione's head.

"By the way... that day you kissed Cedric. I wanted to ask you something, but I couldn't find the courage to spit it out," Hermione started with a low tone.

"Yeah, I remember," Ellie hummed as she felt Hermione's breath hit her neck.

"I wanted to ask if you were into girls. You know, considering how close you were with Cedric and how everyone bought it. But I guess that's already been answered," Hermione smiled knowingly.

Ellie chuckled lightly as she pulled Hermione closer, wanting every limb of their bodies to touch.

"What about you? Just girls or..." Ellie trailed.

"If you're asking me what my type is, I'll tell you it's a 5'6" Hufflepuff with gorgeous brown eyes and the biggest heart I've seen," Hermione marveled, though her volume was slowly dwindling.

"Hm, I wonder who that could be," Ellie joked lightly as she rubbed Hermione's back soothingly.

Just as Ellie was about to continue the conversation, shallow sighs escaped the Gryffindor, her body rising and falling rhythmically. In turn, Ellie closed her eyes peacefully and cherished the moment as she placed a loving kiss on her forehead.

"I'm falling for you, Granger," Ellie whispered with certainty, though most would argue that it was too early to declare.

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