21 - An Almost Apology

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It was February 23rd, 1995, the day before the second task.

Since Draco's last encounter in the alley, Ellie's life and relationship had been quiet. Ellie followed Hermione's careful instructions regarding the boy, ignoring the seemingly apologetic glances Draco would attempt to hint every so often. Though the Hufflepuff was itching to find out why he was acting so strange, she figured it'd be best to listen to her girlfriend. After all, Ellie believed that there must've been a reason to Hermione's hatred for the Slytherin.

Ellie sat with Cedric in the courtyard, casually making conversation as she awaited the arrival of her girlfriend, who had been summoned to the headmaster's office just fifteen minutes ago. The Thursday was filled with much more excitement than any other day, and the occasional passerby would clap Cedric's back to wish him luck.

"So, something stolen from you, eh?" Ellie questioned as she squeaked her shoes on the freshly watered grass beneath her.

"Yeah, I've been searching through my belongings, but nothing seemed to have escaped my possessions," Cedric replied as he leaned forward on the bench, his hands at the stone on either side of him.

"Have you figured out what the Black Lake has got to do with the task? Other than the location, of course," Ellie questioned further.

"Don't know, honestly," Cedric shrugged. "Other than figuring out it's a water-based event, I didn't get that far."

"Well... I just hope you can swim. Wouldn't want you drowning now, would we?" Ellie joked, knowing all too well that she wouldn't survive a second in this portion of the task.

"I'm not too shabby," Cedric replied modestly. "I've done my fair share of practice."

A tall, lanky figure approached them suddenly, and Cedric looked to Ellie with a raised eyebrow. He stopped talking to glare at the approaching figure, his protective nature already kicking in. Cedric stood up abruptly and stepped in front of his seated friend, now facing the blonde Slytherin.

"Can I help you?" Cedric demanded as he held his stance defensively.

"I need to talk to Evans," Draco replied monotonously. "Besides, Diggory, shouldn't you be preparing for the next task?"

Cedric looked down at Ellie expectantly, waiting for her approval to continue his defense.

"It's okay, Cedric. You go on ahead. I'll catch up with you later, okay?" Ellie cooed as she gestured for him to leave.

Cedric nodded reluctantly but made his way across the courtyard, constantly looking backwards to ensure the Hufflepuff was safe.

"You've come to blackmail me again? Clearly, it didn't work the last time," Ellie spat as she turned away from him.

"I'm not stupid, Evans. I wouldn't do that again if you bloody bastards can't stay away from each other," Draco rolled his eyes as he looked around nervously to see if anyone was looking in their direction.

"Then why are you talking to me?"

"I just wanted to check up on you, see how you're doing," Draco muttered.

"And why do you care?" Ellie sneered with disgust.

"Last month in that alleyway, you were with Granger. I didn't realize you were so upset. I've never actually seen a Hufflepuff cry, so... I assumed whatever happened must've been terrible," Draco spoke quietly, his thumbs fiddling with together anxiously.

"So you expect every Hufflepuff to be happy every second of the day? How stereotypical for you to believe that," Ellie chided in a displeased manner.

"No, no, I didn't mean it like that," Draco quickly corrected. "I've just been trying to speak with you for the past month, but I've never gotten the chance."

"And what could you possibly want to say with me?"

"Well..." Draco inhaled deeply. "I just wanted to say that I'm s-"

His sentence was cut off by a fast-approaching Gryffindor, her curls bouncing behind her as she stormed towards the two angrily.

"Malfoy, you get away from her!" Hermione screamed as she now stood bravely against him despite their large height distance.

"Can't you see we were talking, mudblood?" Draco countered as she cowered backwards slightly.

"Leave, Malfoy. I'm not going to say it twice," Hermione demanded with an ever louder volume, making Ellie inhale sharply at the tone. "I won't hesitate to embarrass you in front of all these people."

Draco stood there helplessly, looking to Ellie with apologetic eyes. He seemed to be frozen in place, conflicted about his actions.

"Don't just stand there! Scurry off, you ferret," Hermione insulted, earning a few turned heads in their direction.

Draco looked around quickly at the small audience and didn't think twice to leave. He scrambled away hurriedly as he sent threatening expressions to the onlookers, leaving the lovers alone.

Hermione knelt down in front of her girlfriend, placing both hands on her knees comfortingly as she looked up at her worriedly.

"Are you okay? What did he say to you?" Hermione inquired with sincere concern.

"I'm fine, Hermione," Ellie reassured quickly as she watched the last of the boy's blonde hair disappear from sight. "He didn't threaten me or anything."

"If that boy gets near you one more time, I swear I'll do more than just yell at him."

Hermione gritted her teeth frustratedly as she furrowed her eyebrows angrily. Ellie quickly took notice and placed her hand over Hermione's, squeezing it gently in reassurance.

"Hey, love. It's okay now. He didn't do anything to me. I think... he was trying to be nice for once," Ellie suggested as she attempted to ease her girlfriend's anger.

"I doubt that," Hermione replied knowingly. "He's a Malfoy, and that's all he'll ever be. His family are terrible people. Death Eaters, or so they're called. He only knows evil, and that's all he's every going to try to do to us."

"Hermione... drop it. Don't get all fussed up over him," Ellie finalized as she pulled her girlfriend up to sit next to her.

It was silent for a moment as Hermione calmed her emotions, Ellie rubbing her thigh comfortingly.

"So, what did Dumbledore summon you for?" Ellie questioned, breaking the silence.

"He didn't just summon me. It was Ron, Cho, and Fleur's sister also," Hermione started, her tone much more calmer than before. "He requested that we participate in the second task. We're the stolen items they've taken from the champions."

"Wait... what do you mean?" Ellie questioned with a frown.

"They're going to take us tonight. Each champion has to rescue their designated person beneath the Black Lake. Harry to Ron. Cedric to Cho. Fleur to her sister. And... Viktor to me. He's going to have rescue me."

Ellie groaned subtly at the thought, but Hermione heard her frustration.

"Don't worry, we'll be safe, darling. No harm will come to us. We'll be unconscious but protected by the selkies, as ordered by Dumbledore. They'll take care of us, make sure we won't drown," Hermione reassured quickly. "I'll be under Dumbledore's protection, okay? There's no need to worry. I won't die, if that's what you're stressed about."

"You better not," Ellie scolded lightly. "Or else I'll strangle Viktor with my bare hands."

"No need for all that," Hermione comforted as her lips curled into a small smile, struck by Ellie's protectiveness. "I'll always come back to you."

Ellie looked around quickly to check for onlookers, being sure that they were distracted within their own conversations. The Hufflepuff quickly leaned over to press her lips against Hermione's, feeling the surprised smile against her own. They broke away reluctantly, their eyes holding pure admiration.

Look at Me | Hermione Granger x Female OC (Book 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora