27 - Mirror of Erised

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It was June 18, 1995.

For the past two weeks, Ellie and Hermione had been on no-speaking terms, avoiding each other whenever possible. They dodged the topic of their relationship status altogether, so the two considered that time to be a much-needed break. Like all couples, they were bound to fight eventually, but neither of them expected it to come so soon. They had only spent six months together, yet their break seemed to last for an entire year.

Hermione returned to Harry and Ron in a seemingly unbothered manner, her life returning to normal as it mimicked the time before Ellie's arrival. The couple exchanged occasional glances, but Hermione believed it'd be best to give Ellie a little more space. Though it seemed that Hermione's attitude was carefree and untroubled, Ellie forced herself to believe that it was her way of recovering from their fight.

In the meanwhile, Ellie pushed past the situation painfully, often third-wheeling with Cedric and Cho. She didn't mind the extra company, but times were always awkward around the two. Ellie never explained what happened the night of their fight, leaving Cedric to wonder why she had broke down so suddenly. Though the boy was curious, he knew better than to question her, and he didn't bring up the situation again. He even went as far as bringing all three meals to her dorm, her only departure being for classes. Though Ellie's anger had subsided rather quickly, her disappointment persisted.

"The Mirror of Erised shows the user's most deepest desire," Professor Flitwick started as he unveiled the mirror from the dusty covering, showcasing it to his students from the front of the room.

"Sir, why are we learning about this? This is a Charms class, and nowhere in the book does it mention this," Hermione spoke from up front, pointing at the open textbook for proof.

"Indeed, Miss Granger. However, it's incredibly vital to understand the properties of magical objects. In doing so, we can apply that knowledge for more advanced charms," Flitwick answered as he gestured towards the mirror. "Now, I'd like a volunteer to demonstrate."

"I'll go," a snarky voice spoke up promptly, the blonde-haired boy already making his way towards the object. "Let's see what this rubbish is all about."

Draco stepped in front of the mirror, his smile growing wider as he looked at himself with admiration. He looked over his shoulder, but his smirk returned to a snarl upon the reminder of its deception.

"Well, what did you see?" Flitwick questioned, looking up to the boy expectantly.

"Respect. Loads of it. I'm the best of the best, and people cower at my name," Draco admitted proudly. "And my father... he's proud of me."

"Talk about daddy issues," Ellie muttered under her breath as the boy made his way back to his seat, sneering at the horror-struck students.

"Very well, then," Flitwick cleared his throat awkwardly, glancing back at the students. "Who would like to go next?"

Hermione shot her hand upwards, eagerly indicating her desire to participate.

"I can go next, Professor," Hermione volunteered as Flitwick motioned her over.

Ellie sunk in her seat, watching as Hermione stepped in front of the mirror. She rested her chin on her knuckles, absentmindedly looking forward.

"I see..." Hermione started. "My friends and my parents. They're happy and well. I'm surrounded by books, in a quaint home library. And... there's someone else. I see myself truly happy with them, and... all is forgiven."

"Ah, a perfect life in your eyes. It's quite common to share that desire," Flitwick commented as Hermione returned to her seat, glancing at Ellie's dull expression. "Now, who's next?"

Flitwick began to pace the room, looking down at the students avoiding eye contact. The room was still with silence as the students were unwilling to volunteer themselves. Flitwick suddenly stopped beside a student, who had his head hung down like the rest.

"Ron! Thank you for volunteering," Flitwick announced as he pulled up the redhead by his robes. He began to push him towards the mirror, but Ron stumbled over his feet, earning a few snickers from his classmates.

"I'm going, I'm going!" Ron protested, holding his hands up in surrender as he stopped himself before the object.

"What do you see?" Flitwick questioned, watching as Ron's lips curled into a smile.

"I'm Head Boy... and captain of the Quidditch team. I've won the cup for Gryffindor, and people are chanting my name. Mum and Dad are happy for me, and I'm wearing new robes, not Fred and George's hand-me-downs," Ron grinned as he stared at his reflection.

"Validation. One of the most universal desires one might possess," Flitwick announced as Ron returned to his seat with a dazed expression. "Some might see a perfect life, as Miss Granger experienced. Or perhaps a loved one, dead or alive."

Flitwick began to roam around the room once more, clicking his tongue as he sought out the next participant. Ellie rested her head down in her arms, closing her eyes in attempt to pass the time. The shuffle of footsteps stopped just beside Ellie, the Hufflepuff groaning at her realization.

"Ellie, you're up next," Flitwick ordered as he tapped the edge of her desk with his wand.

"Do I have to?" Ellie muttered reluctantly, her voice slightly muffled from her position.

"It's vital you participate in here, Miss Evans. You're not exempt from class activities just because you're tired."

Ellie slowly screeched her chair backwards, filling the room's quiet conversations. She hauled herself to the front of the class, groaning in annoyance as she finally focused on the mirror. She frowned slightly at its contents, finding that someone stood in front of her.

"Hermione, can you please move out of the way?" Ellie requested in irritation. "You're blocking my view."

The silence returned with a deafening force, the murmurs of the students suddenly diminished. Ellie suddenly heard Draco's voice from behind her, cutting the stillness of the atmosphere.

"Evans. She's over here."

Ellie turned around quickly to face Draco, following his pointed finger to Hermione. The Gryffindor sat quietly in her chair, looking down immediately in embarrassment. She shifted in her seat uncomfortably, ignoring the stares that flickered between her and Ellie.

Ellie cleared her throat awkwardly as she hurriedly returned to the back of the classroom, bypassing the puzzled expressions of her classmates.

"Well then, moving along," Flitwick spoke up to break the tension. "Let's have another participant, shall we?"

A paper crane swiftly fluttered in front of Ellie, landing at her desk as it went unnoticed by the other students. Ellie looked around with a raised eyebrow before picking up the folded parchment, its quality thicker and more luxurious than the standard. The insides were stained with ink, and Ellie unfolded it carefully to examine it. Written on its surface were neat, cursive letters, and the parchment was stamped with a green monogram at the bottom-right corner. It read: You and Granger?

Ellie turned to face its sender, finding that Draco looked at her expectantly. He didn't carry his usual snarl, but its absence was replaced with that of curiosity. He raised an eyebrow at the Hufflepuff, but Ellie merely crumbled it in her hands. She tossed the parchment right back at him, the now-deformed crane hitting the boy lightly. Without seeing his reaction, Ellie turned back in her seat, her mind occupied with the possibilities for Hermione's appearance.

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