25 - Birthday Prank

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It was April 1st, 1995, the Weasley twins' 17th birthday.

Ellie awoke extra early that morning, preparing herself for the event she had planned just the night before. At about five o'clock, Ellie grabbed two tin buckets from the kitchens, being careful not to bang them against one another. She slowly snuck her way to the Gryffindor tower, ascending the marble staircase with caution. She whispered the password to the sleeping painting, its hinge automatically opening for her. Ellie closed the painting behind her, setting down the metal buckets quietly as she withdrew her wand.

"Aguamenti," Ellie murmured quietly.

A jet of clean water erupted from the tip of her wand, filling the two buckets to the rim. She took them both by the handle and started to climb the spiral staircase of the boys' dormitories, moving slowly to avoid tipping the water. The darkness made it all the more harder, and Ellie was lucky enough not to slip. She stopped at one of the last doors, crossing her fingers in hopes she had reached the right one.

Ellie creaked the door open slowly, grinning mischievously as she saw the two redheaded twins sleeping soundly. She stopped right next to Fred, setting down one of the buckets to support the other with two hands. His limbs were strewn everywhere, his feet dangling off the short bed.

Very carefully, she brought the bucket of water to her chest and poured it over the boy's head, drowning him temporarily with the cold water. As Fred sprang upwards in shock, Ellie quickly did the same to George, soaking the entirety of his bed.

"BLOODY HELL!" the twins shrieked in unison.

The two looked at each other with identical expressions of shock, their crimson hair now darkened into a shade of maroon. Their soaked clothes stuck to their body, leaving them shivering at the temperature of the water.

Ellie laughed wildly as she threw the metal can to the side, noticing that their roommates twitched slightly at the sound.

"Happy birthday!" Ellie shouted, doubling over at the sight of the twins' reactions.

"We're gonna get you!" Fred shrieked as he swung his legs over the bed, his pajama pants sticking to the moistened covers.

Fred and George attempted to chase after her, Ellie barely moving out of their reach as the two tripped over the buckets frantically. Ellie giggled even more, now waking up their confused roommates. She backed away with heaving laughter as she turned on her heel. She began descending the spiral staircase quickly, using the stony railings to skip a few steps.

The pounding footsteps and angry protests behind her only grew nearer, the commotion waking the students up. A loud whisper suddenly came from behind one of the lofty couches, its front facing the fireplace.

"Ellie! Over here," the voice urged with certainty.

Ellie quickly made her way around the couch to find Hermione laying on the couch, a large blanket covering her body as she set down her book on the floor.

"Quickly, get under," Hermione invited as she opened the blanket for Ellie to hide.

Ellie proceeded to hide underneath the blanket, her body nested in between the couch and Hermione's torso. She buried herself in the arms of her girlfriend as the cover was brought over her head, concealing her entire body. Hermione adjusted herself slightly to fling her leg and arm over the Hufflepuff, giving the illusion of hugging a pillow. The Gryffindor quickly shut her eyes, pretending to be asleep as more footsteps drew near.

"Where the bloody hell did she go?" Fred yelled.

"Let's check outside," George insisted as he pushed his brother out the painting.

The painting snapped shut, and the common room started to fill with the now-awoken students. Hermione continued to hide her girlfriend, her heart racing as questions arose.

"What just happened?" a voice asked curiously.

"Well clearly it's wet, Ronald," another voice answered. "You sure you didn't wet the bed again?"

"Shut it, Ginny," he snapped. "I'm gonna tell Mum that-"

"You're going to tell her what?" she jeered teasingly.

"Guys! It wasn't Ron. It was Fred and George. They ran out soaking wet. See the trail they left?"

"Must've been a prank gone wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if something exploded in their dorm," a deeper voice explained.

"I hope Dean's wrong. My plants are in there," another voice squeaked.

"Why would they be in their dorm, Neville?"

"They've got the best spot for sunlight. Really lets them grow nicely."

"Where's Hermione, by the way?"

A pair footsteps approached the girls, stopping just in front of them.

"Looks like she fell asleep."

"Well, obviously. Way to state the obvious, Ron."

"Ginny, if you don't be quiet right now-"

"Okay, okay. Stop fighting, you two. Let's just all go back to our dorms. It's Saturday, anyway."

The students retreated back to their dorms with puzzled expressions, leaving the lovers all alone. Hermione peeked open her eyes slowly, making sure the coast was fully clear. She finally removed the cover from Ellie's head, the Hufflepuff taking huge breaths for air.

"Thank goodness," Ellie panted. "Couldn't breathe in there."

"What did you do now?" Hermione questioned with an expectant expression, her arms still wrapped around her girlfriend.

"I only gave them the best birthday prank ever," Ellie grinned widely. "You should've seen their faces, darling. It was priceless."

"You're lucky I was here," Hermione shook her head, yet she couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah, how'd you know it was me?" Ellie questioned. "And how long have you been laying here?"

"I've been here since five. I usually sit here and squeeze in some light reading in the morning. Besides, I could recognize your laugh anywhere."

"You're insane, you know that?" Ellie teased as she leaned forward to brush their lips together.

"Says you," Hermione countered as she connected their mouths, nibbling gently at Ellie's bottom lip.

They kissed slowly, savoring every second of their time together. Ellie pulled the blankets over their heads as she deepened the kiss, her fingers caressing the soft skin just underneath the hem of Hermione's shirt. Hermione broke away promptly, pressing their foreheads together as she bit her lip.

"You know you can't be in here," Hermione exhaled reluctantly.

Ellie pouted at Hermione, her statement instantly bringing her hopes down.

"But that doesn't mean we can't continue this someplace else," Hermione continued with a smirk. "What do you say?"

"I don't need you to say that twice," Ellie grinned as she sprang out of the couch, helping Hermione up to her feet.

The two quietly made their way out of the tower, walking hand in hand as they approached the Astronomy Tower. Together, the two watched the sunrise peek over the mountains, their arms wrapped around each other as they shared heartfelt kisses the entire morning.

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