14 - A Second Date

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It was December 10,1994.

For the past two weeks, the school had been bustling with excitement about the events from the first task. The entirety of the house of Hufflepuff had been raving about Cedric's victory, and he soon gained even more popularity. Despite his fame, Cedric never failed to spend time with Ellie, and their friendship soon became even stronger.

"Ellie, Professor Sprout is summoning us," Cedric urged as he gently shook the girl awake, his palms resting at her arm.

"Do I have to?" Ellie groaned as she shut her eyes tightly at the sunshine's rays attempting to penetrate her closed eyelids.

"Yes, come on. You're the last one up. Just meet us in the common room," Cedric finalized as he jogged out of Ellie's dorm.

Ellie grumbled as she reluctantly rolled out of bed, groggily freshening up. She made her way out of the door and out to the common room, in which she found a dozen eyes staring in her direction.

"My apologies for being late, Professor Sprout," Ellie apologized as she quickly skipped her way to stand next to Cedric in the cleared out common room, who snickered slightly at her tardiness.

"Moving along," Sprout continued as she clasped her hands together, clearing her throat loudly. "Now, I'm sure the other houses have already progressed, though I wouldn't be so sure with Professor's Snape's... methods. I expect that every girl in here shall dance with grace, and every boy shall lead with the power of a badger."

"Grace," Ellie scoffed under her breath. "She'll be here for hours if she expects me to move like that."

"Excuse me, Miss Evans, would you like to demonstrate?" Sprout raised her eyebrows expectantly, her hands resting at her hips.

"Sorry, ma'am. I didn't mean to interrupt," Ellie confessed as she looked to her shoes in embarrassment.

"No, I insist you demonstrate," Sprout urged as she grabbed Ellie by her arm and brought her to the middle of the room, showcasing her in front of the other students who stood by the walls.

"But Professor, you're a woman. It wouldn't make sense to dance with you, anyway," Ellie countered in attempt to excuse herself from dancing.

"Oh, no. You won't be dancing with me," Sprout answered. "Cedric? Would you care to lead Ellie?"

Cedric jumped at the opportunity with a smile as he took Sprout's spot, placing one hand at her waist while he held the other one up expectantly.

"Now, Ellie. If you'll place your hand on his shoulder and take his free hand," Sprout instructed.

Ellie reluctantly obeyed, earning a smirk from Cedric. Sprout flicked her wand and waltz music began to play from an unseen source.

"Cedric, I can't dance," Ellie whispered. "I'm only going to make a fool out of myself."

"It's okay," Cedric reassured as he leaned closer to Ellie. "Step on my shoes, I'll help you out."

Ellie proceeded to step on his shoes, her face dangerously close to his chest. He began to waltz around expertly, earning a delighted round of applause from Sprout. Ellie held on tightly as she felt herself get spun around, her eyes catching the glares of the other girls.

The music finally faded, and both Ellie and Cedric were left breathless, warm smiles arranged on their faces.

"Wonderful! Brilliant! Fantastic!" Sprout clapped excitedly. "Now that is how you should dance at the ball. Go along, then. Everybody find your partners!"

The common room suddenly became full with the practicing students, some still lingering by the walls in reluctance.

"So... the Yule Ball," Cedric started with a smile. "I assume you're free, right?"

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