18 - The Clock Tower

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Ellie led the weeping Gryffindor to the deserted Clock Tower, its hands pointing at a quarter past eleven. The walk there had consisted of nothing but Hermione's quiet sniffling and the clacking of their heels. The two finally slowed to a stop, though Hermione couldn't help but pace around the area.

"What is it with you and towers?" Hermione asked in an irritated tone. "First the Astronomy Tower, and now here. Why?"

"I would've brought you to the Astronomy Tower, but the stars aren't very visible tonight. Figured the Clock Tower would have to do," Ellie shrugged. "Besides, I think the view is beautiful from these heights. You should get up here more often. It relieves a hefty amount of stress."

Hermione gritted her teeth as she continued to pace the small area, running her hands through her curls anxiously. Ellie approached her cautiously and blocked her from pacing anymore, gently placing her hands on Hermione's arms to calm her. The Hufflepuff looked down at Hermione with an understanding expression, her kind eyes seeming trustworthy.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Ellie asked quietly as Hermione finally slowed to a stop.

"Ron wanted to asked me to the ball!" Hermione suddenly snapped, making Ellie flinch from her sudden anger. "And he only wanted to ask me because Fleur rejected him. Can you believe it? I was his last option and only because he needed a date! It's like all boys forget that girls have feelings too! It's ridiculous, Ellie!"

Ellie listened intently as she tried to analyze the reasoning behind Hermione's abrupt temper. Surely, Ron couldn't be the cause of all this, and the Hufflepuff began to think if there were more layers to what Hermione was saying.

"And to make matters worse, you disappeared on me!" Hermione continued. "All night, I couldn't find you! I thought you ditched our dance until I saw you and Cedric waltzing away! You said you didn't know how to dance, yet it seems that you've been dancing with him for weeks!"

"I can explain," Ellie countered cautiously, bringing her hands up in a gesture of surrender in hopes of calming Hermione down. "I saw you when you first came down those stairs. But Viktor had already taken you away. And when you walked in the Great Hall, I wanted to let you know I was there, but you didn't notice me. All night, I've been trying to approach you, but Viktor wouldn't leave your side. And then, Fred left to dance with Angelina. George taught me how to dance, and I caught on pretty quickly. And you know, Cedric being Cedric, he's practically perfect. Not in that way, of course. But he's a great dancer, and it just so happens that him and I coordinate well together."

"But you don't understand, Ellie!" Hermione exclaimed with a much louder tone, another wave of tears streaming down her cheeks, "You don't understand how I feel! It's always been you, Ellie. If you'd only understand how jealous I get, it'd all make sense. I can't bear to see you with another person because I'll think you'll leave me for them. When you kissed Cedric, I felt like someone had reached into my chest and squeezed my heart— like every bone in my body had shattered. I felt sick to my stomach, quite literally. And when I see you with him, how close you are, I can't help but think that you might have something more with him. A-And whenever I'm with you, I feel safe. Whether it be in your arms or holding your hand, I don't ever want to let go. Every time you get near me, there's an odd sensation— like butterflies in my stomach. You don't understand how much you're affecting me. I've been bottling my feelings all this time, and I've been too afraid to tell you. I spent endless nights trying to suppress my feelings, but there's no use. I've never felt this way about anyone until I met you. But I can't hold it back anymore. Because, Ellie Evans... I like you. A lot more than I should. And I don't even know if you feel the same!"

Hermione finally finished her speech with heaving breaths, her cheeks flushed as she stared in shock at what she had confessed. She stood there for a moment, frozen in place as Ellie stared at her in surprise, too astonished to respond.

"I-uh... I have to go," Hermione stammered as she finally found the strength to turn on her heel to run down the stairs.

"Wait!" Ellie called out, but Hermione ignored her.

Ellie quickly pursued Hermione and grabbed her hand, turning her around just before she was able to descend the first few steps.

"I still haven't given your present," Ellie continued cautiously, slowly pulling her back up to the platform.

Hermione reluctantly let Ellie lead her back to the top of the Clock Tower, her head brought downwards in embarrassment. Ellie stepped even closer and brought her hand to Hermione's chin, tilting it upwards so that the two were gazing into each other's eyes. Ellie caressed Hermione's cheek with her thumb before moving it downwards, gently brushing it against the Gryffindor's bottom lip. Hermione glanced down at Ellie's lips as her breath hitched at the action. Ellie looked into Hermione's honey-brown eyes more deeply than ever as if she was asking for permission.

With the most gentle action, Ellie tilted Hermione's head so that their lips connected at last, closing their eyes in pleasure. Though she was initially taken aback, Hermione sighed as she kissed Ellie back eagerly. Their lips formed against one another perfectly, their mouths savoring each other with slow movements. Ellie's hands were at the sides of Hermione's neck, the tips of her fingers buried in her curls. Hermione brought her hands at Ellie's waist, pulling her body so that they were flush together.

Ellie finally broke away, their foreheads leaning against one another.

"Merry Christmas, Hermione," Ellie whispered as she stroked the girl's jaw with her thumbs.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for that," Hermione gasped, her heart racing as she craved for more.

Hermione stepped forward once more, being careful not to step on Ellie's dress. She gently guided Ellie's back to the railing as she kissed her desperately, finally releasing her pent-up emotions. They could feel each other's smiles against their mouths, unable to break away. Soon, the passionate lip-locking turned into slowed pecks, and the two carried wide smiles of admiration.

"I nearly kissed you last night," Ellie admitted as she tucked a stray curl behind Hermione's ear, their faces resting mere inches from each other.

"And why didn't you?"

"I figured giving your present after the ball would've been a good way to end the night," Ellie shrugged as she leaned in to briefly kiss Hermione once more.

"You are... exceptional," Hermione giggled before drawing back to admire Ellie from head to toe. "And gorgeous, obviously. You look... perfect in that gown. Like you were born to wear it."

"As do you," Ellie countered as she eyed Hermione down, earning a blush from the Gryffindor.

"By the way," Hermione smiled as she glanced at Ellie's chest. "That's a lovely necklace you're wearing."

"I don't think I'll ever take it off," Ellie smiled as she looked down at Hermione's name. "It's just as beautiful as the girl who gave it to me."

Ellie's face suddenly lit up at her realization, and she made her way around one of the pillars to retrieve a record player that she had transfigured from a spare clock hand.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked as she leaned against the railing, shivering slightly at the cold.

"I have one more thing..." Ellie mumbled as she focused on the record player.

After a few moments of frustrating struggle, Ellie withdrew her wand that had been strapped to her thigh and waved it at the contraption. The player crackled for a second before it finally smoothed out to play Paul Anka's "Put Your Head on My Shoulder".

"May I have this dance, Miss Granger?" Ellie proposed as she held out her hand expectantly.

Hermione beamed as she took Ellie's hand, the Hufflepuff immediately swaying her to the song's tune. The two took turns in leading the dance as they threw in the occasional spins and kisses. The song eventually faded quietly, yet the two stayed in their close proximity.

Despite the slight dilemmas they had faced earlier that night, their confessions for each other brought ease. They stayed in the deserted Clock Tower for the majority of the night, enjoying each other's presence and ignoring the chilly breeze.

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