20 - The Alleyway

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It was January 15, 1995.

"I finally asked her," Cedric declared in triumph as he walked with Ellie in the direction of Hogsmeade.

"Judging by your expression, I assume she said yes?" Ellie confirmed as she looked up to him happily.

"Yes, she did! I mean, she's amazing already. After the ball, we wrote to each other nonstop for the remainder of the break. And then, one thing came after the other, and now we're dating!" Cedric exclaimed joyously as he thought about Cho.

The two were headed to The Three Broomsticks that Sunday afternoon, as Cedric had invited Ellie to officially introduce Cho to her. Cedric had promised to clear up any loose ends with Ellie, and he claimed that he no longer felt drawn to her.

The two finally made their way into the small pub, and Cho waved them over to a table in the middle of the room. Cedric pulled out the chair for Ellie, ushering for her to sit down as he greeted Cho on the opposite end with a forehead kiss and sat next to her.

"Ellie Evans," the Hufflepuff greeted as she stuck her hand out in front of the Ravenclaw, a kind smile on her lips. "But I'm sure you know that already."

"Cho Chang," she introduced politely as she shook Ellie's hand cautiously. "Pleasure to officially meet you."

A waiter came to take their order, in which Cedric politely greeted him and ordered Butterbeers for the three of them.

"So, before we continue, I just want to clear up a few things," Ellie started as she adjusted herself in her chair to engage in the conversation.

"Go on," Cedric encouraged as Cho looked at Ellie blankly.

"Me and Cedric... we're nothing more than friends," Ellie announced clearly, being sure that Cho heard it. "I know we're very close, and I don't want you to feel like you're being overlooked. He's like a brother to me, one that I never had. And he's definitely not my type, I can tell you that."

"Ellie, that's so thoughtful of you," Cho smiled appreciatively. "It puts me a lot more at ease to know that. I know Cedric means a lot to you also, and I don't just want to take him away either."

"Of course, Cho. But he's your boyfriend. I think you deserve more time with him," Ellie smiled warmly.

The waiter returned with three mugs of Butterbeer, setting them down in front of each to them. The three of them took a sip, leaving white foam above their lips before they wiped it away with the back of their hand. The three of them continued with their conversation, the Ravenclaw much more comfortable around Ellie.

The bell rang once more, and the Golden Trio entered the door, their cheeks flushed red from the bitter wind. Hermione caught Ellie's gaze and flashed a smile at the Hufflepuff before walking to the table across the room.

After about ten minutes since the trio walked in, Hermione stood up to excuse herself. Ellie watched as Hermione made her way to the door, opening it slightly before she turned back around. Hermione tilted her head backwards as a gesture for Ellie to follow, winking inconspicuously.

Ellie looked towards the couple in front of her, seeming to be caught within their own conversation. She stood up quickly, nearly knocking over her Butterbeer in her excitement. Cedric and Cho looked up with puzzled expressions, watching as Ellie fished out two Sickles from her pocket and threw it down onto the table.

"Hey, so sorry. I actually remembered I need to do something," Ellie lied as she hurriedly threw her coat over her shoulders and wrapped her scarf around her neck. "I have to go now. But Cho, it was lovely meeting you. Maybe we can do this again sometime. You two have fun."

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