10 - The Burden of Blackmail

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Ellie awoke the next morning, dreading the day's classes. She rolled over in her blanket to find her roommates' beds had already been fixed, leaving Ellie all alone. At the realization she had slept in, Ellie immediately shot up in bed, throwing on the conveniently placed wrinkled uniform she had worn the night before.

She rushed to her first class, her untied tie sitting loosely around her neck as she attempted run her fingers through her tangled waves. Upon bursting into Moody's classroom, the Hufflepuff was met with faces of the classroom's occupants, including a clearly angry professor.

"Miss Evans, you're late," Moody barked. "That'll be ten points from Hufflepuff. Maybe that'll teach you to come better prepared. Fix yourself. You're a mess."

Moody's magical eye scanned the rest of the room for anyone else who had obstructed school rules. His eyes darted to Hermione, narrowing at the sight.

"And you, Miss Granger," Moody clicked his tongue disappointedly. "Wearing a Hufflepuff's robe? Very not like you. That'll be ten points from Gryffindor as well."

Hermione looked down at her robe in confusion. She gasped slightly as she found the Hufflepuff crest in replace of Gryffindor, its yellow lining contrasting brightly. She immediately snapped her head to look at Ellie, who shared a similar expression of astonishment. Hermione's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red as she turned back to her work in attempt to shield her embarrassment.

Though no one seemed to put the two together, Draco was the first to notice. He turned around in his chair with a mischievous smirk, an idea already formulating in his head.

"Snogging that mudblood? I thought you were better than that," Draco whispered.

"I-It's not like that," Ellie stuttered. "I just woke up late, that's all."

"And that explains why you're barely dressed and Granger's wearing your robe? So much for a goody two-shoes," Draco scoffed.

"We're just friends, Malfoy. It's none of your business," Ellie spat angrily. "Why are you so invested in us, anyways?"

"You're quite popular around here. I mean, being with Cedric all the time must be tiring. Aren't you sick of him yet?"

"No, I'm not. I don't see why you hate everyone. Why do you try to ruin people's lives, hm?" Ellie questioned as she narrowed her eyes at the blonde.

"I'm quite fascinated with pain. Besides, I like watching the world burn," Draco declared proudly.

"Whatever," Ellie finalized as she returned her attention to her work.

"Don't ignore me, Evans," Draco interrupted as he leaned forward with a smirk. "You've got to pay up now. Unless you want the entire school to know about about your... preference."

"I don't give a damn if you tell everyone," Ellie lied confidently, hoping that he would back away.

"Sure," Draco shrugged. "But what about Granger? She's closeted, right?"

Ellie paused for a moment. She knew that the rumor would spread like wildfire, and Hermione would definitely shut her out. She took a deep breath as she prepared herself for payment, knowing that it wouldn't be pleasant.

"And how would I pay you?" Ellie muttered under her breath, clenching her fists.

"You kiss Diggory. In front of Granger, of course," Draco smirked as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Oh, isn't that genius? I can kill two birds with one stone! It's obvious both of them are in love with you. It'd only be more heartbreaking when Cedric finds out you don't like him. And even worse for Granger. I'm a bloody genius, I tell you!"

Look at Me | Hermione Granger x Female OC (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz