07 - Admiration and Constellations

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Ellie and Cedric returned to the Hufflepuff dorms, soaking wet from their time in the rain. They parted ways to their respective dorms as they hit the showers immediately, blasting the hot water to soothe the chills.

After dressing into clean, dry clothes, the two met again in the warm common room, a dazed smile on both of their faces. Ellie collapsed on one of the lofty couches while Cedric opted for the oversized lounge chair in front of her. Their endless laughs seemed to have drained their energy, their eyes struggling to stay open.

"I'm beat," Cedric sighed as he ran his fingers through his damp hair, his lips curled into a relaxed smile.

"Me too," Ellie agreed weakly. "That was the most fun I've had in a very long time."

"So, what'd you think about Durmstrang?" Cedric questioned curiously, changing the topic completely.

"What do you mean?" Ellie chuckled.

"Like... just your thoughts," Cedric continued cautiously.

"If you're asking what I think you're asking, then no. I don't fancy them," Ellie giggled. "Not my type. And the Beauxbaton ladies? What do you think?"

"They're beautiful, yes, but... not quite what I fancy."

"Agreed. They're very beautiful, indeed," Ellie complimented in a whisper-like tone, though it sounded as an innocent praise to Cedric.

Ellie yawned loudly as her eyes fluttered with tiredness.

"If you're tired, I can carry you to your bed," Cedric offered politely.

"No, I'm okay," Ellie declined quickly. "I think I'm just going to take a nap right here."

"Sounds fine by me," Cedric shrugged. "But if you plan to sleep through lunch, I can grab a meal for you. Contrary to popular belief, the house elves are actually quite friendly."

"Of course they'd be nice to you," Ellie snorted. "I mean, look at you. Who wouldn't return your friendliness?"

Cedric chuckled as he stood up from the lounge chair. He walked to another couch and took the thick throw blanket that was spread over the top. He approached Ellie and placed the blanket over her body, tucking her feet in at the bottom.

"So, would you like me to bring you a meal or not?" Cedric clarified.

"No, I think I'll just wait for the feast tonight. Thank you though," Ellie declined politely. "I can sleep through most of the day, anyway. Just one of my special talents."

"Lovely for you to share that," he laughed. "I'll let you get some rest. I'll be in my dorm if you need me. It's the second door down that hall."

Ellie smiled up at him as he retreated to his dorm, walking with heavy footsteps. She drifted to sleep rather quickly, feeling her body sink into the couch.

The hours that Ellie slept on that couch seemed to pass like minutes. The sky had already grown dark, and the common room was bustling with students preparing for dinner. At the realization of the time, Ellie sprang to her feet and quickly changed into her uniform.

Putting on her tie messily, she jogged in the direction of the Great Hall and found Cedric just before he walked in.

"How'd you sleep?" Cedric smiled as he slung one arm over Ellie's shoulder to greet her.

They entered the Great Hall and found it to be decorated with a variety of Halloween decorations. The house ghosts wandered around the hall, scaring the younger students.

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