28 - An Overreaction

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It was June 23rd, 1995, the day before the final task.

The school's excitement was amplified by a thousand times with the ever-so-close task. The buzz that occurred during the first task was nothing compared to the present atmosphere. Though the excitement was evident, the students were still anxious for their end-of-term exams, therefore distracting them from bashing Harry or any of the other champions.

Ellie strode the halls triumphantly, having made the excuse that the exam's contents were a cumulative of previous years' learning. In result, she was able to leave earlier than the other students, thankful for her nationality pass.

She made her way to the courtyard, surprised to see that Cedric sat at his usual bench. She walked over and took a seat next to him, her expression mixed with confusion and happiness.

"Hey, Ellie," Cedric smiled as he shut the book he was reading and set it down on his other side. "How are you?"

"Could be better," Ellie shrugged, still thinking about Hermione's hiatus. "Anyways, how come you're out here all alone?"

"Champions are excused from the exams," Cedric answered. "One of the perks of facing death every few months. Besides, Cho and the rest of my friends are still taking them. What about you? Aren't you supposed to be in the Great Hall?"

"Pulled the American card on them," Ellie grinned. "Got myself excused from taking them."

"Brilliant, you are. I would've just taken the failing grade," Cedric chuckled, Ellie joining along with him.

The laughter eventually died down, their smiles lingering at their faces. Ellie attempted to lean her head on Cedric's shoulder, but his height only allowed her to reach his deltoid. Cedric casually wrapped his arm over her, their gestures meaning nothing more than friends.

"Aren't you the least bit worried about tomorrow? You just seem so... casual about this entire thing," Ellie observed.

"Well... now that you've said it, I should be," Cedric tilted his head in realization. "But I'm trying to stay positive. After all, Hogwarts could use a win."

"Right," Ellie agreed in a quiet tone.

"Ellie," Cedric called out in a gentle tone. "Look... I know it's not my place to be nosy, but you haven't quite recovered from that day you came to me. It's been lingering in my mind for weeks, and you've been spending an awful amount of time to yourself. I can't help but wonder why you've been acting so different."

"You're a smart guy, Cedric," Ellie sighed. "I'm glad you noticed. I was actually planning on telling you that sooner or later."

"You know you can tell me anything," Cedric encouraged as he rubbed her back briefly to comfort her.

"Well, the thing is... it's a secret," Ellie inhaled deeply as she removed her head from his arm, now turning to look into his eyes.

"I'm good with secrets."

"I'd think so. But you have to promise you can't tell a single soul," Ellie stated firmly.

"I promise," Cedric vowed as he held his pinky out, making Ellie smile at his childlike gesture.

Ellie interlocked her pinky with his and pressed their thumbs together, sealing the promise like small children on a playground.

"It's hard for me to say," Ellie quavered. "All my life, I've been living with this secret, and I've never dared to tell anyone. But when I'm with you, I feel like I could tell you anything."

Cedric nodded with encouragement, smiling slightly to let Ellie know that he wouldn't break his promise.

"I'm uh..." Ellie started with a shaky voice. "I'm... not into boys. I like girls, and it's always been that way for me. Ever since I got here, it's like this realization became more prominent."

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