30 - Making Amends

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It was June 26, 1995, just two days after third task—two days since Cedric's death.

Ellie laid in the hospital wing, her cot situated right beside Harry's. The setting sun peeked from the windows overhead, stirring the Hufflepuff awake slowly. Ellie heard hushed whispers from beside her bed, but she decided to keep still as she listened in on their conversation.

"Come on, Hermione. We've been here way too long," Ron complained with a low groan. "I'm hungry. Dinner's about to start, and I don't want to be late."

"Then leave, Ronald," Hermione snapped with a harsh tone. "If you're so hungry, why don't you go ahead?"

"I can't. Harry doesn't want to leave yet," Ron reasoned.

Hermione sighed quietly as she glanced back at Ellie's resting body before turning to face the boys once more.

"Harry, why don't you go with Ron?" Hermione suggested. "I know you've been waiting for her to wake up, but it doesn't seem like she'll stir anytime soon."

"Yeah, sure," Harry grumbled reluctantly. "Let me know if anything changes. You can meet us back at the common room if you decide to miss dinner."

"Of course. Go along then, I'll watch over her."

The boys' footsteps shuffled out of the ward quietly, their pace growing quieter as they left Hermione alone. The chair creaked under Hermione's weight as she shifted closer to the Hufflepuff, taking her limp hand to stroke it with her thumb. Hermione immediately broke down into a quiet sob, her heart heavy as Ellie continued to lay still, hearing every shaky breath.

"Is it true? Or was I dreaming?" Ellie finally spoke, her voice hoarse as her mind started to recall the burning image of Cedric's corpse.

Hermione perked up immediately, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand as she gulped hard. She watched as Ellie slowly opened her eyes, weak from the emotional trauma she had undergone.

"He's gone, Ellie," Hermione announced gravely, knowing exactly who she was talking about. "I'm so sorry... I really am."

Upon the confirmation, tears erupted from the corners of Ellie's eyes, dripping down her temples to land on the pillow beneath her head. She shook with a painful sob as her vision blurred with tears. Hermione cautiously squeezed Ellie's hand and pressed the back of it against her lips, her heart breaking at the sight of the Hufflepuff's reaction. After a few painfully long minutes, Ellie finally calmed down, and she mustered just enough strength to sit up against her pillows to look at the Gryffindor.

"Madam Pomfrey said you went into shock. She guessed it from a broken heart," Hermione explained as she sat up awkwardly, letting go of Ellie's hand. "Harry and I, we've been here for the past two days. Ron's been... sending support in his own ways."

Hermione gestured to the table beside Ellie, a plethora of candied goods and sweets sitting on its surface. A few Chocolate Frogs had already been opened, the sweets missing from their packaging, leaving only the collectible cards.

"Let Ron know I send him my thanks," Ellie commented as her eyes flickered to another item, its figure barely visible from behind the sweets.

Ellie leaned over to pick up the paper crane gently, her fingers brushing over the creases of the familiar parchment. She opened it up to reveal the note written on its surface.

I send my deepest condolences to you. Feel better.

"Who's that from?" Hermione questioned curiously.


Ellie managed to smile slightly, folding the paper crane back into its original form before setting it back down at her bedside table. She now faced Hermione once more, but the Gryffindor shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

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