32 - Back to London

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It was July 3rd, 1995, at about 10:30 a.m.

The morning was busier than ever, the halls filled with students hauling their trunks to the train. Durmstrang and Beauxbaton had already departed Hogwarts earlier that morning, leaving with cheers of farewell from the students of Hogwarts.

Despite the events that had occurred the day before, Ellie was able to plaster a smile in attempt to hide her sorrow. She dragged herself from her dorm, her belongings already on the train. The Hufflepuff made her way down to the platform, meeting up with Hermione just a few yards away from the red locomotive. Hermione stood alongside Harry, Ron, and the Weasley twins, chatting with them to pass the time.

Upon seeing her girlfriend, Hermione's eyes lit up as she pulled away from the group, immediately pulling Ellie for a quick hug. They continued their walk back towards the group as Fred and George winked sarcastically at Ellie in attempt to lighten the atmosphere. Ellie stood in silence for a moment, looking around at the others awkwardly. It wasn't until Fred and George suddenly embraced the Hufflepuff, surprising her in the process.

"Well, now you've made it all awkward," Fred remarked as he finally let go.

"Sorry," Ellie muttered as she pulled away from the other twin.

"We're only messing with you," George reassured with another wink.

"We just wanted to see you before we board the train," Fred commented.

"And now that we have, we'll be on our way."

The twins started to walk backwards, their brief conversation puzzling the rest of the group.

"By the way, you're always welcome to stay at the Burrow!" Fred called out.

"Mum will like you!" George added with a smile as he turned around to face the correct direction, nudging his brother in the shoulder to do the same.

"Well, um... those are my brothers for you. Crazy blokes, they are," Ron commented to fill the silence.

"Ron, why don't you save us some seats?" Harry suggested.

"You're not coming, mate?" Ron arched a brow.

"I'll be there in a moment," Harry dismissed. "Just give me a minute."

Ron shrugged his shoulders as he turned on his heel to board the Hogwarts Express. Harry turned to the Hufflepuff with a glum look, his face full of guilt.

"I'm so sorry, Ellie," Harry blurted quickly. "If I hadn't insisted we take the cup together, he'd still be alive."

"Harry—" Ellie interjected, but the boy continued his apology.

"He saved me, Ellie! In that maze, he didn't hesitate to help me get to the cup, to defeat the Acromantula. He thought I deserved to win. I can't help but feel responsible for his death. It's all my fault, and I'm so sorry."

"Stop it," Ellie announced firmly. "I'm not blaming you for anything. He didn't die because of you. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Y-You're not mad at me, then?" Harry questioned, tilting his head in confusion.

"If I was mad at you, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. Just drop it, okay?"

Harry went silent as he looked to his shoes with guilt. Ellie observed him, and she felt almost pitiful for the boy.

She suddenly stuck her hand out towards Harry, causing him to look up with bewilderment. Ellie nodded at him slightly, reassuring him that her intentions were earnest. Harry hesitated before shaking Ellie's hand awkwardly, drawing back quickly.

Look at Me | Hermione Granger x Female OC (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now