01 - A Fresh Start

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The crisp breeze in the early night brushed against Ellie's cheeks, turning the tip of her nose into a light shade of red. The wind seemed to be carry a melodic tune as the leaves of the lined trees rustled quietly in the seemingly deserted neighborhood.

Stood in front of Ellie was her mother, Amelia, who carried a hopeful yet saddened expression. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she pulled her cardigan closer to her body, her nose turning red, an exact trait they both shared.

"Mom, he's waiting for me," Ellie whispered, leaning her head towards her mother's ear as she stared at their visitor. "I can't just keep him waiting. He's a bit... scary."

The two of them glanced towards the man who awaited them, his height twice as tall as a normal man. His goggles rested at his forehead as he patiently waited for Ellie, twiddling his thumbs over the handle of his equally huge motorbike, its size as big as a truck.

"He's not scary, I promise," Ellie's mother reassured as she waved at the man, exchanging warm smiles to each other. "Hagrid's going to take good care of you."

Ellie gulped at the massive being and his motorbike that was parked on her street, her palms dampening at his appearance alone. Her lips were sealed in a tight line as she attempted to swallow her growing fears.

"But you're not scared of Hagrid, aren't you?" Ellie's mother sighed as she analyzed her daughter's body language. "I know it all went by so fast. But it was an opportunity for us. For a better life."

"I know, Mom."

"Magic... it's complicated. But I never want you to be afraid of it. At Hogwarts, you'll learn how to harness it, how to make beautiful things," Amelia explained, seeming to reminisce over the memories she had created with magic. "It's all new, I know. But you'll fit right in, I'm sure of it."

"And if I don't fit in? If I'm an outsider, what'll happen then?" Ellie countered gently.

"Ellie Evans, you are kind, loyal, and brave. It's rare to be all that. It's a fresh start, dear. A place for you to reinvent yourself."

Hagrid cleared his throat loudly to get their attention, opening his mouth to speak.

"Well, as much as I'd love fer yeh two ter continue, Dumbledore's waitin' fer us. It's bes' we not keep the man waitin'. An' he ain't goin' be happy when he finds ou' we've been takin' all er swee' time," Hagrid bellowed.

"My apologies, sir," Ellie quickly responded, turning her head over her shoulder.

"No need ter call me 'sir'. Hagrid's jus' fine," the towering man corrected.

Ellie turned to face her mother once more, finding that her mother held a brown paper bag, its contents weighing it downwards.

"Trunk. Robes. Books. Supplies. Wand," Amelia mentally checked off, drawing an imaginary check with her finger.

"Yes, yes, yes. They're all loaded in there," Ellie reassured.

"Almost forgot! I've packed you some vanilla cookies for the trip," Ellie's mother remembered as she placed the paper bag into her daughter's hands. "Best to eat them now, before they get cold."

"Thank you, Mom," Ellie smiled, opening the flap of the bag momentarily to inhale the scent of her favorite food. "I've really got to get going now."

"Of course, dear," Amelia rushed as she pulled her daughter in for a tight embrace, squeezing her at the end. "Go on, now. Off you go."

They broke away from each other reluctantly, as Ellie knew better than to prolong their interaction. Ellie made her way to the motorbike and climbed the step, holding onto the side for support. She buckled herself in, tugging on its strap to ensure maximum safety.

The motorbike released a loud roar, and Ellie felt its entirety shake her body. The engine sputtered, causing Hagrid to bang the steering wheel with his fist to start the motorbike. It began to rise slowly, and Ellie looked down at her mother and waved farewell.

Her eyes flickered to the home behind Amelia, taking in the last look of the shabby building, its paint peeling as the steps were littered with years of use. Ellie would barely consider this place a home, considering that she had just moved in the week before.

When news came of a job offering higher pay, Ellie's mother had seized the opportunity immediately, not hesitating to leave behind their entire life. All throughout the plane ride, Amelia rambled about "going back to her roots", considering she had lived there before moving to America with her daughter.

Dragged from every sense of familiarity back in America, Ellie found herself in a foreign country, attending a school she had only heard stories about. Though she knew of magic's existence, Ellie never paid much attention to it, and Amelia never pushed her to pursue it. As a non-practicing witch, Ellie's mother tended to stray away from the subject, though she never kept it a secret. When asked, she'd answer, though as her daughter grew older, Ellie rarely bothered to ask. When the time came to break the news of attending a school in Scotland, Ellie's mother prepared herself for an unpleasant reaction. Surprisingly, Ellie was willing to divulge into the world of magic and all its aspects. She knew that it would make her mother happy, and in turn, Ellie soon found herself purchasing the most obscure items in Diagon Alley.

"Erm... So, Ellie. Yer excited?" Hagrid spoke nervously, wanting to break the silence.

"I mean, sure. My mom used to tell me stories about this place. She would talk about the most fascinating things like Quidditch and creatures and spells. It's quite thrilling, actually," Ellie realized as they soared through the dark clouds.

"Yeah, she's a beaut'," Hagrid marveled as he thought about their destination. "No picture book could e'er bea' the real thing."

Ellie opened the brown bag at her side and pulled out a warm vanilla cookie, taking a bite as she closed her eyes in delight.

"Would you like one? I have plenty," Ellie offered as she pushed the bag towards Hagrid.

"They smell delicious that's fer' sure," Hagrid complimented. "But the feas' bout' ter start. Don't wanna miss yer firs' meal."

Ellie shrugged her shoulders as she put away her bag of cookies, tucking them into the inside of her black robes, just next to her wand pocket. Her mother had explained that her tie and hood would soon change into the proper house colors upon sorting, in which Amelia hoped it would turn yellow.

Hagrid shifted gears and the motorbike accelerated even faster, causing Ellie to grasp onto the sidecar fearfully. After a few more bursts of high speeds, the motorbike started to slow as it approached its destination.

Ellie gasped at the sight in front of her. It was beautifully sat atop a rocky cliff, surrounded by a vast body of water and a large, dense forest. A field with three hoops on either side sat just on the outskirts, with high stands overlooking the grass. A multitude of towers seemed to reach the clouds as an assortment of long corridors and bridges connected them.

"Home sweet home," Hagrid announced as he circled the castle and parked the motorbike by a cozy hut.

Ellie climbed out of the sidecar, her eyes still fixated on the marvelous structure. Hagrid took notice and began walking, gesturing for her to follow.

"Amazin', isn't it?" Hagrid commented with the same expression as Ellie, seeming to be equally as astonished.

The two started to make their way towards the school, with just enough moonlight to lead the way.

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