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Ashlyn's pov:

Waking up early was never fun for Ash, although more often than not she had to. As the alarm started screaming at her to get out of bed she rolled away from the sound and ended up rolling right off the bed and landing on the floor. Ash sighed and got to her feet. She turned off the alarm and looked into the mirror on the wall across from her bed. Her eyes changed from a green to a dark blue and her long dark hair shortened and became blonde. Her clothes started changing shape and she was soon wearing a dark tank top and torn black jeans. Her legs got longer and her face changed so that she no longer looked like a 15-year-old, but more like a 22-year-old. She had a small belt around her waist that she stuffed her two favorite guns and a few throwing knives into.

 She had a small belt around her waist that she stuffed her two favorite guns and a few throwing knives into

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 Ash made her way downstairs and grabbed an apple from the kitchen counter. Maya and Liam were still asleep since it was so early that the sun wasn't even up yet. If everything went right then she would arrive home before they even woke up. Making her way to the garage she spotted her motorcycle. Although she didn't have a license she was very good at driving. She had only ever crashed a car once and she blamed that on the police that was chasing her. She still preferred her motorcycle, however. It was easier to swerve through cars and not get caught. 

She exited the garage and sped her way down the empty street. She drove for only about half an hour because the streets were so empty, and finally parked her motorcycle in an empty parking space that was a mile away from her destination. She would come back for it when she had finished her mission. She doubted anyone was awake to be able to steal it but even if they tried. Liam had made an addition to it so that if anyone besides her or Maya tried to ride it, it would taser them. Ash got off the motorcycle and jogged down the street. 

She would have walked but it was cold outside and she wanted to get warmed up just in case she would have to fight. She jogged for only a few minutes until she stopped in front of what looked to be an abandoned hospital, but she knew better. She slowly crept behind a wall so that the four guards outside the building wouldn't see her. 

She took out one of her guns and shot four bullets. Each bullet hit right at its target in between each of the guards' eyes. She didn't want them knowing she was there.. yet. She put the gun back in its holster and walked up to the door. However, the doors were locked and the only way to get in is to use the handprint touchpad. Taking out one of her knives, she cringed at herself before cutting off one of the guard's hands and using it to unlock the door. As she dropped the hand, she looked down and sighed, she turned back to the dead guard who she had taken the hand from, annoyed. "You got blood on my shoes."

She walked calmly down the halls of the building occasionally killing Hydra agents. She closed her eyes and layed out the blueprints that Maya had shown her yesterday out in her head. She had a very good memory so she could remember where each room was. She opened her eyes and made a left turn, she continued to walk down different halls and killing any agents that came in her path until she stopped in front of a door that had the label "storage." Ash scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah storage my ass." She retorted as she opened the door exposing a white room with many different computers and monitors. After killing all the agents in the room and pushing a dead body out of one of the chairs, Ash sat down and got to work. She extracted the information that she needed and deleted it from the computers. She decided that a little snooping wouldn't hurt anyone and kept on looking through files. 

She saw a lot of Hydra schemes and downloaded the ones that were of interest to her onto another USB. The rest of the files she deleted. Sure, she wasn't exactly what you would call a superhero, but she didn't want Hydra going through with these plans. She found one file with her criminal name on it and decided to open it. Apparently, Hydra still had a file on her from when she would do missions through the orphanage. She deleted the entire file and took a calming breath.

All of a sudden, red lights started flashing on the computer screen and the alarm started playing. She didn't know how they realized she was here, because she had killed anyone who had seen her, but she figured it was about time since she had been here almost an hour and a half. Stuffing the USBs that had all the information on them into her pocket, she jumped up and took out one of her guns, prepared to fight whoever she saw. She was now jogging down the halls of the building killing agent after agent as they tried to stop her, none of them stood a chance against her.

She was jogging down a hall when all of a sudden her heightened senses picked up on something and she turned around. She caught the arrow that was flying at her face in her right hand and shot her gun with her left. The man with the bow barely dodged the bullet and it grazed his shoulder. He looked down at the bow in disbelief and by the time he looked up at her again she had already turned the corner. She was now full-on sprinting down the halls of the building. She knew that she could have stayed and fought but she had recognized that man and she was in no mood to fight the world's greatest heroes. As she sprinted out of the building and ran down the street toward where her motorcycle was she sighed to herself. She had completed her mission but now the Avengers would know who she was. She would have to be more careful from now on. As she hopped onto the motorcycle and sped down the street her stomach grumbled and she chuckled, how she would love some of Maya's waffles right about now.

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