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Avenger's pov:

"You let her escape!?"

"We didn't let her escape, she jumped out a window, 50 floors in the air. Talk about reckless" Tony sighed. The Avengers were now talking to a very angry Director Fury about Ashlyn. It had been a few hours since she had made her escape, and Fury was not very happy about it.

"Well, you guys better find her!" Fury shouted at them.

"And what are we supposed to do when we catch her? Lock her in a cell for the rest of her life?" Bucky shouted back, taking everyone by surprise.

"As long as she isn't wandering the streets of New York, I don't give a damn what you do with her." With that Fury left the room.

"Well that went well", Sam stated as he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

"So how are we supposed to find somebody who can change their appearance at will?" Asked Clint.

"Well, how'd we find her in the first place?" Asked Steve.

"We threatened a teenager who happens to be her friend," replied Nat in a calm voice.

"Ya I don't think we should do that again," Peter said and they all agreed.

"We could always just wait for her to show up again," Said Sam "Girl's got a flair for dramatics even Tony can't beat." He added and Tony scoffed but agreed.

"True, if she's anything like me then she won't stay in the dark for long."

"So we agree? We'll just be on the lookout until she shows herself again" Steve said and they all nodded.

Peter's pov:

As the Avengers all left the conference room, Peter stood up to leave as well and Tony put an arm around his shoulder.

"You spending the night here kid?" Tony asked.

"Not sure, I have to ask Aunt May whether she'll be home tonight." Peter's Aunt May worked as a nurse at the Queen's Hospital. Her schedule was always very random because she would sometimes work day shifts and sometimes night shifts. Whenever Aunt May worked night shifts, she would ask Peter to stay at Avengers tower so that Tony could make sure he didn't put himself in harm's way, although that's what usually ended up happening anyway.

"Well just let Steve know, I think it's his turn to make dinner." Peter nodded and Tony walked away. As Peter made his way to his room in the Avengers tower he stopped outside Nat's room whose door was open, he peeked his head inside and saw her sitting on her bed, icing her shoulder.

"Hey Мома паук (momma spider), everything ok?" Nat looked up at him and smiled.

"Everything's fine, that girl Ashlyn just tasered me a bit a few days ago but it's fine." Peter was shocked by the calm voice that Nat talked in.

"Shouldn't you be angrier at her for hurting you?" Even saying it out loud shocked Peter. There was usually nobody who could beat Nat.

"I was at first, but meeting her this morning I realized that there's always a story behind everything. For people like Me, Bucky, and most likely Ashlyn, that story isn't a happy one." Nat explained and Peter sighed. He hadn't thought about it before but now that Nat mentioned it he agreed. The way she reacted when Steve had asked where she learned to fight, and the way she wouldn't show her emotions in front of the Avengers, something had definitely happened to this girl.

Bucky's pov:

Bucky and Steve had walked to the kitchen so that Steve could start preparing dinner. Bucky sat at the counter while Steve heated up the stove. Steve seemed to notice Bucky's face deep in thought.

"What's on your mind Buck?"

"What do you think happened to her?" Bucky asked, looking at Steve who looked confused.


"Ashlyn," Bucky watched as Steve cracked an egg and started cooking it on the pan.

"What do you mean?"

"Well think about it, she's strong enough to take down an Avenger, smart enough to dodge around all of us, always prepared, definite signs of trauma, and she doesn't know her last name." Steve flipped the egg while listening to Bucky. "She never fails," Bucky added, quoting what Robbie had said earlier that day.

"You think she was a part of Hydra?" Steve concluded as he turned off the stove and fully faced Bucky who just looked back at him.

"I'm not sure, but there's definitely a relation somewhere," Bucky said, looking at Steve for a reaction.

"I don't know Buck, maybe ask Nat." Said Steve, turning on the stove again to cook another egg.

"Ask me what?" Nat had just walked out of the elevator with her arm around Peter's shoulders.

"Bucky had a very interesting guess about our little shape-shifting friend," said Steve and Nat rolled her eyes.

"I wouldn't call her a friend, she did knock me unconscious." Nat reminded them.

"To be fair you did try to fight a 15-year-old," said Peter, and Nat scoffed.

"Why are you on her side?!"

"Not picking sides, just stating facts" Peter put his arms up in defense and Nat rolled her eyes again. Nat walked to the freezer and took out another ice pack, she placed the already melted one back in the freezer.

"Well, what was your idea Bucky?" Asked Nat sitting next to him on top of the counter and placing the ice pack on her shoulder.

"I'm just thinking about her past." Said Bucky and Nat nodded.

"Yeah, I was thinking about that too."

"I was thinking about what she said when Steve asked her where she learned to fight," added Peter, and Bucky and Nat looked at each other.

"Hydra," they said in unison. Peter stared at them blankly.

"W-what?!" He asked unsurely.

"Horrible back story, dead parents, no last name, hella trust issues, can kill without guilt. It's gotta be Hydra." Nat told Peter and he frowned.
"Do you think she's still with them?" Asked Steve.

"No, she seems smarter than that," replied Nat.

"Maybe she doesn't have a choice?" Suggested Bucky.

"That doesn't explain Maya though," commented Steve.

"Maybe she's with them too?" asked Bucky.

"Sam was following her around a supermarket. You really think Hydra would let her run errands like that?" Nat asked and he shook his head.

"Maybe they already escaped?" Peter asked and they all turned to him. "I mean she has the website, right? That's how she makes money. Maya told Tony that she was able to hack his systems right? So they are a team, Maya's the brains and Ashlyn is the strength. They escaped Hydra and this is how they survive." Peter explained.

"Let's just hope that's true," Bucky sighed as he stood up. He remembered what it was like being at Hydra although he often tried to forget. He just hoped that he was wrong about his guess, no kid should have to go through something like that.

Emerald Assassin X Avengers (an Avengers Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now