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Avenger's pov:

The jet was taking them back to the tower.

Nat had convinced them not to question Ash until she was ready to talk. She was currently sitting in the back of the jet talking quietly with Maya while the rest of the Avengers were sitting in the front of the jet listening to Thor who was explaining how the heck he knew Ashlyn.

"A couple of years ago I was looking for the infinity stones. There was a facility in France that was known to be holding the reality stone, not sure how they got it but anyways. I met Ashlyn when she was still part of that horrible firebird place. I told her my plans to protect the stone and she helped me get it." He explained.

"That's the very simplified version but sure" Came Ash's voice which made a few of the Avengers jump. They hadn't realized she was standing right behind them.

"You explain it then?" Suggested Tony.

"I met Thor a few years back when he was looking for the reality stone, or whatever it's called. I helped him get it since I was part of phoenix and I knew where it was. That's also how I'm able to do this" Ash put her hand out and it slowly started turning green. "Freakin thing almost killed me."

"You got your powers from the reality stone?" Asked Wanda.

"Well, yes and no. The people who had the stone put it in this chemical bath thing and when I tried to get the stone, I fell in... not my proudest moment but still, I came out being able to do this" Her hand turned back to normal and she put it back by her side.

"Did the orphanage ever find out that you got the stone for Thor?" Asked Bucky.

"The leader at the time, she had her suspicions that it was me. But there was no proof."


When the jet landed at the Avengers tower, Liam came running out to greet them. With a big smile on his face, he threw himself at Ash and she stumbled backward, which made the Avengers smile.

Ash was limping as she walked through the doors of the tower. The smaller bruises and cuts had healed on the jet but it seemed that her body was too tired to heal the larger injuries at the moment.

Steve was thinking very hard. He didn't want Ash to ever get hurt like this again but he didn't know how to stop that from happening. Ash had grown up being told to fight, now Steve wanted her to stop. He suddenly had an idea but she was really going to hate him for this.

"Hey Ash, you're grounded"

Ashlyn's pov:

"Hey Ash, you're grounded"

Ash whipped her head around so fast, her vision became slightly blurry. Did he really just say what she thinks he said?

"I'm what?" Part of her thought that she had completely imagined everything he had just said since she kinda felt lightheaded.

"You're grounded" He repeated and she rolled her eyes, which made her head hurt.

"Yeah, I heard what you said. You can't ground me" She said defensively.

Who does this guy think he is? What the heck did she do to deserve this?!

"I just did," he said simply and Ash resisted the urge to scoff.

"You have no right-"

"I have every right"

"You're not my dad"

The words left Ash's mouth before she could stop them. Part of her was proud of saying them but the other part of her felt this conversation growing extremely awkward. However, Steve opened his mouth and said the very thing she had least expected.

"We don't know that"

What did he just say? Was he suggesting-? Ash stopped herself before she let that thought get too far.

"And even if I'm not, I would've helped take care of you"

Ash was annoyed. She did not have the energy or the patience right now to be having this conversation. Sometimes, she feels like Steve forgets who she is. She isn't Katherine's perfect daughter that he had expected. She has to get that inside his head.

"And I would've been a normal fifteen-year-old girl who just finished English class. Instead, I got blown up, twice, kidnapped, had to fight my way through a maze filled with people trying to kill me for a week straight with no food, no water, no rest, I murdered the man who killed my friend and saved your ass. So I guess nothing really goes as planned."

There was silence for a few moments and Ash half expected Steve to be mad at her.

"Ash.... you're grounded"

Ash gaped at him, did he not listen to a word she just said?!

"What for?!"

"You can't just leave to go fight people whenever you want without telling anyone." Ash froze at those words. Who the heck does he think she is? That's literally what she did, it was kinda her thing.

"I've been doing this a long time Steve, I know what I'm doing, I can take care of myself"

"Oh, believe me, I know that. But what I'm saying is you don't have to. You don't have to stay hidden anymore"

Ash ignored what he said and focused on the more pressing issue.

"You can't ground me, Steve. You don't even know where I live." Honestly, Ash could just leave and never come back.

What's he gonna do... Tell her mom?

"Then stay here"

Ash was very taken aback by those words. Did that mean what she thought that meant? Nah, couldn't be. Ash couldn't do that. All she needed right now was a nap, maybe a shower first.

"Goodnight Steve."

Ash turned on her heel and walked away.

Steve's pov:

Steve shook his head with a small smile on his face as she walked away. That was exactly what Katherine would have done as well. He turned and made his way in the opposite direction toward the kitchen. He should make her some food for when she woke up, seeing as she would most likely be hungry. However when Steve walked into the kitchen he found all the Avengers already there, he guessed that Maya and Liam had already gone to bed.

"Hey, Steve, where ya been?" Asked Tony

"I was talking to Ash," Steve said as he opened the cabinets and began taking out his ingredients.
"About what?" Asked Sam.

"I... grounded her"

Bucky spit out his water. "How'd that go?" He asked once he recovered.

"How do you think?" Steve said sarcastically as Nat snickered and Peter smiled slightly.

"Actually we were just talking about Ash" Said Tony which caught Steve's attention.

"Oh yeah?" asked Steve, pouring the scrambled eggs into the pan.

"Yeah... do you think she'd make a good Avenger?" 

Emerald Assassin X Avengers (an Avengers Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now